Wednesday, 18 September 2013

when I'm losing my control, the city spins around

 black loose peplum top dorothy perkins / berry biker jacket new look teens / indigo joni jeans topshop petite / satchel Camden market / studded loafers primark / nails: la girl fairytale & l'oreal confetti

There's something about Autumn that excites me (and my wardrobe). Jeans, a nice top and a edgy jacket is my go-to formula as of late, and pretty much the combination I don at sixth form on a daily basis. I'm loving it though, bring on the slightly cooler days- something I see as a valid excuse to wear endless numbers of black ankle boots and leads on well to the inevitably nearing Christmas. Ooh yes, I did just mention the 'c' word. This time of the year is probably my favourite: with no exams to worry about and many things to look forward to. Also as an attempt to block unnecessary negativity from my life, I'm working hard on abolishing anxiety-ridden days and going for an anti-stress approach. If any of you have any tips please share them to me! Mum's recommending I meditate/engage in yoga (exercise? what even is that), as are many of my teachers. It will all be for the best though. I'm over this whole panicky shambles that has been consuming me lately. I've had enough of it.

now playing: the fray - look after you

Sunday, 15 September 2013

you're nobody 'til somebody loves you

 dress new look / gilet forever 21 / tights primark / boots new look / satchel peacocks / spike earrings dorothy perkins /  nails: la girl fairytale & l'oreal confetti

Just a quick post for today - I have a lot to say in a short space of time, and my rambling usually has no bounds. This week has been hectic with the first full week of sixth form but I have the feeling that things will gradually fall into place and become easier schedule-wise. Lately I've found my anxiety to be consuming me far more than usual; I think the incredibly long summer was lovely & relaxing and when I injected a routine into my life it was a shock to my system. This sucks as I really didn't want my nerves to flare up but what can you do really?! Taking every day as it comes at the moment. Positivity is the way forward I guess.

Anyway - onto a happier note, I'm starting my first day at work today at Dorothy Perkins and I'm really excited. The staff at the branch I'm placed in are all lovely and I've wanted a part-time job in fashion retail for SO long! Also I have a mini to-buy list planned for payday already. Oopsy. H&M dark purple jeans, New Look cut out boots & a Vera Moda dip dye jumper are Autumn essentials though, right?! 

Just to let you know, for the past couple of weeks I've been contributing on the lovely Hayley's blog, London Beauty Queen. You've probably heard about it as she's a rather established lady who offers a daily dose of beauty, real style. And by that I don't mean fancy products 24/7, but the unique everybody-has-to-but-doesn't-really-talk-about-it stuff, like technology to assist with ear cleaning (yes, you read correctly). You can find my posts here, I'd love to know what you think of them!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend,


now playing: james arthur - you're nobody 'til somebody loves you

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

crossed your fingers I'm yours to lose

 vest top cora (France) / paperbag skirt topshop / belt topshop / boucle jacket new look / boots new look / bracelets assorted, from travels / nails: rimmel caramel cupcake 

I wish I could conclude this outfit post with a witty/mildly entertaining comment about my life, but not much has really gone on recently. Sixth form is brilliant, I love the courses I've chosen and finding them pleasantly challenging; it was about time I finally worked hard at something after a long and incredibly lazy summer off. Since taking these photos a couple of days ago the weather has quickly declined into an Autumn-ridden phase, cold, windy and just general bleh. This skirt (£7 from the Topshop sale last year, result) is a firm favourite of mine and smart enough to wear for sixth form but not so smart that I feel like I'm in business dress. Although I think for future wears in the upcoming season I'll have to inject some tights into the equation, as much as I hate to admit it...

now playing: you me at six - lived a lie

Sunday, 8 September 2013

London Bloggy Meet

from L-R: Becca, Tallulah, Megan, me, (Ciao) Sophie, Tanja, Holly, Sophie (Said), Kimberly, Perdi.
The gathering organiser extraordinaire and I in Topshop. We didn't realise until afterwards that our poses were identical to each others...oopsy! 
Sophie (Said) and I chilling before leaving London Victoria.
I ordered a Hawaiian burger, which had well-done beef, pineapple, lettuce, bacon and cheese. Absolutely delicious!
The cheesy fries & photobooth fun in Topshop's flagship store.
Sophie's minty nails and Perdi's gorgeous hair.

Last week I went to Sophie's London Bloggy Meet, arranged by her to celebrate the end of summer and had a fabulous time. American burgers, many shops to browse through and so many people to chat to was the perfect combination. I don't want to bore you too much by repeating what other people have written about the day, so I'd recommend you give Sophie etc, Sophie Said , Charlotte, Perdi and Selina's posts on it for a clearer understanding. I massively enjoyed the day and I don't want to be at risk of referring to literally everything as 'fabulous' or 'brilliant'; the other girls gave a much more comprehensive overview of the gathering (and I am feeling super lazy tonight). I think it was the lovely Lydia who compiled the list of bloggers who attended, so if you have a bit of time to spare please do go and check them out! I was actually overwhelmed by how nice they all were - it made me realise that I've met so many unpleasant people that it naturally makes me assume at least one or two people would have been like that. They're honestly not, and they all can hold a long conversation about lipstick colours or the latest nail polish shades...y'know, important stuff. Well, to us it is.

Lydia from Blue Slushy
The organiser Sophie from Sophie Etc.
Becca from Becca's Fashion and Life
Jaye from Bed In The Kitchen
Joni from Berry Crumble
Charlotte from Charltom Wintale
Mona from Chipped and Chapped
Sophie from Ciao Sophie
Chesley from Fashionista on a Budget
Holly from Impatience is a Virtue
Lisete from Lisette Loves
Selina from Miss Fashion 1994
Megan from My Name's Megan
Amy from The Pretender
Tallulah from Simply My Thing
Sam from SJMWell
Sophie from Sophie Said
Angharad from Style Trunk
Amy from The Camera's Lying
Perdi from Watermelon Raindrops X

Feel free to host another one soon Sophie! ;)


Friday, 6 September 2013


ditsy crop top + skirt duo miss selfridge / studded loafers primark / denim jacket vintage / bag accessorize / spike earrings forever 21 / cross earrings forever 21 / watch casio via asos / bracelets assorted, from travels / nails: no7 damson dream

Last week I wore this outfit to the London Bloggy Meet, when the weather was beautiful and the end of summer vibes were felt by everyone. Autumn has definitely arrived now and in a way I'm excited. I have been visioning so many outfits that I've wanted to try out but not been able to merely because it was too hot, a justification I don't often have to consider whilst in the UK. 

Right now it's the end of a pretty brilliant last week. I met lots of wonderful people on Saturday, won Emily's giveaway on Sunday, went to a couple of great events by M&S beauty and Company magazine & Origins skincare and started sixth form. It's been great to have a long summer but I was definitely ready to return to education and finally inject some productivity and a routine into my life. I've only spent two days there so far and I lovelovelove it. Not having to wear uniform is so lovely, even if it leads to the inevitable what-on-earth-should-I-wear-omg situations every morning and the newly-found freedom is appreciated. Nicer food, more independence, frees and not having to take Maths anymore improves my time at school for sure. I didn't particularly enjoy year eleven; from troubled friendships, stress, panic and disappointments I have been being hopeful and optimistic that this year will be different..and for the better.


Monday, 2 September 2013

Scottish tartan

 all three scarves - James Pringle weavers, the Royal Mile, Edinburgh. 3 for £20 deal.
nails: borghese rapido in 'vigneto' and l'oreal confetti top coat

I adore tartan. The way it spices up an outfit effortlessly fascinates me, but personally it is just that little bit more than that. My Dad is Scottish so wearing one of these makes me feel and remember my Scottish heritage, and how although I don't consider it my home, it is a wonderful country that I enjoy visiting twice a year. These scarves are all 100% acrylic and therefore incredibly soft, something I appreciate as nothing is worse than an itchy woolen scarf! The classic red design is a must-have, even if you're like me and not somebody that gravitates towards red clothing. Accessorize, girls. The lilac scarf with infused turquoise, pink and white really struck me as being unique and feminine, contrasting from the usual rugged tartan design. This is the one I'm most excited to wear, I've already pictured in my mind so many outfits I want to wear this with! Bottle green and navy are two of my favourite colours for A/W. I know what you're thinking - 'Thalia knows how to wear colour?! What?!' But yes, despite how I usually live in my black/white/grey/plum/navy planet, bottle green is one of the few shades I want to add to my A/W wardrobe. Comfy and affordable, this scarf concluded the trio nicely.

I'm obsessed with these Scottish inspirations at the moment, in a few months I may be a full convert in a kilt with a classic Scottish pin! I will never let this overpower my love for England though, guaranteed.

What are your thoughts on tartan? Will you be wearing it in the upcoming months?


now playing: turn it off - paramore
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