Saturday, 31 August 2013

somerset house & mummy galaxies xo

blouse republic / jeans asos / bag new look / brogues office / nails: rimmel loafer love for you! 

dress dorothy perkins / bag peacocks / shoes shop in Kingston-upon-Thames / earrings market in Buenos Aires, Argentina

A couple of days ago, Mum & I hit Somerset House to see the Blumenfeld Studio exhibition which we both thoroughly enjoyed. It's free and runs until tomorrow (September 1st) so if you're browsing around London then I would massively recommend you pop in. The sun was shining and for me it represented the ideal late summers day when London is the perfect temperature and the lighting in the late afternoon just works. I'd like to introduce you to my beautiful Mum who makes her outfit-of-the-day debut. I love her dress, the combination of a cute lace print and a lightweight, comfy fabric makes it a great summer/autumn transitional piece. If you have anything nasty to say about her, keep it quiet. I may have to get you deported to her native Australia if you do so. Just sayin'.  

It wasn't that long ago that I confessed my love for ASOS Ridley jeans and I definitely stick to my guns on this. This darker, acid wash pair are described as 'supersoft' and really are. Stretchy yet not baggy works well for me and I can imagine it would suit many shapes and figures. Note how I've had to roll them up quite substantially, despite how they're in the 'short' variation. Short girl problems eh!

I had a wicked day today at Sophie's London bloggy meetup which I guarantee will be covered on here soon. Think large American burgers and how-many-bloggers-can-we-fit-in-a-photobooth scenarios, it was pretty damn awesome. Everyone was so happy and smiley which I loved, their links will be all over this space in the next few days so look out for that!


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Friday, 30 August 2013

loafer love for you!

rimmel london lasting finish nail polish - 405 loafer love for you! 
buy online: boots (couldn't find it on superdrug online but I'm sure you can get it in store)

A couple of weeks ago when I was in Cardiff, my good friend/shopping partner in crime Cle and I hit St David's Dewi Sant, the huge shopping centre near Cardiff Central Station. I was having one of those nail polish urges (I'm sure you understand what I mean) and was craving for an injection of colour into my nail wardrobe. Having collected points on my Boots card for a year and a half or so, I finally had enough to buy my first Real Techniques brush and had a couple of quid to spare. Being me I could not simply just leave this £2 lonely and by itself, so trawled over to the Rimmel stand to find a bargain. Loafer love for you! really stood out to me as a summery, bright cobalt blue shade. It's on offer for £1.99 at the moment at £1 so was a great deal to snap up, especially when I technically didn't even pay for it. 

Application of this was pretty standard, the brush is one of my favourites as it's long but not too wide, so suits my small fingernails. Drying time wasn't too shabby and it dried to a neat and glossy finish like many others in the Lasting Finish range. A notable observation I think is definitely worth mentioning is how I did experience some tip wear after two days, something I'm not really used to but in hindsight has happened to me quite frequently as of late. I can't put my finger on whether it is me or the nail polish ("It's not you, it's me"). However, for £1.99 I have no huge negatives to point out. The price is great, the name is adorable and the colour is gorgeous, fitting well into the blue spectrum of my nail polish collection. At first I thought it would look a bit similar to another blue shade by Rimmel, blue eyed girl (reviewed here) but it is far more turquoise tinted than loafer love for you. Phew! I now have the excuse to keep and use both of them.

Are you as into this shade as I am?


Thursday, 29 August 2013

the streets all sound the same

 grey neppy top primark / floral ditsy skirt miss selfridge (here) / sandals clarks / satchel internacionale / watch casio via asos / bracelets assorted, from travels / travel card holder cath kidston / keyring the royal yacht brittania / nails: rimmel loafer love for you!

Today was spent trying to slot back into the swing of things when I'm at school, which is both boring and draining yet I guess it has to be done. I've made the mistake of not sorting out my sleeping pattern before going back after a break many times previously and I have regretted it every time! Catching up on work, organisational duties and general admin work was done and now I feel far better about it all. I think that I'm at my most productive when I'm actively studying at school, as the environment really suits me when I'm getting work done. I do actually really enjoy my time there and feel like I'm doing something valuable, unlike lazing around and watching hours of American television continuously, which is pretty much how I spend my time during breaks! Talk about being a social butterfly, but let's be honest. I'd rather spend my time watching Ian Harding and Ian Somerhalder. Who wouldn't?!

I've included a couple photos of my two favourite things that could easily be glued to me at all times - my keys and my travel card holder. Being a Londoner I use my oyster card 24/7 and this cute holder from Cath Kidston ensures I never lose it in the depths of my bag. I spotted the cute royal-inspired keyring when I visited the Royal Yacht Brittania during my visit to Scotland last month. If you're visiting Edinburgh I would highly recommend a visit there! It is only 3 miles from Edinburgh city centre and is a fab day out: really enriching, especially if you're fascinated by the Royal Family.

now playing: little talks - of monsters and men

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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

on and on bronze

maybelline 24 hour color tattoo cream eyeshadow - on and on bronze
linked online: boots / superdrug / feelunique  

Yesterday I mentioned how I finally bought one of the well-talked about cream eyeshadows, Maybelline's 24 hour color tattoo in 'on and on bronze'. I guess it was just one of those products that's been on my mental-to buy list for what seems like forever, so when the day of purchase finally came it was a big deal. I'm going to try and not ramble on this too much as I do that all the time and I think it's a definite weakness of mine. 

The cream eyeshadow works perfectly as a primer, and is brilliant for layering under neutral/brown/bronze eyeshadows to add depth and extend its longevity. However, on plain lazy days when you really cannot be bothered to apply lots of make up, it works fine individually. I've only shown it without added eyeshadow over it in the above photos and I think it looks pretty good! It's common knowledge that bronzey brown tones work well to accentuate blue eyes so I took that in mind when buying it. Saying that, I think it is a very universal colour and would pretty much go with any eye colour! If you've got darker eyes you may find it easier to pull of darker and smokier shades such as permanent taupe and immortal charcoal

At £4.99 this is a pretty fab steal, especially if you're a bargain hunter like myself and nab it when it's part of Boots' current 3 for 2 deal on Maybelline cosmetics. Go go go and grab one, you know you want to.

Have you ever tried out a color tattoo from Maybelline before? What are your thoughts?


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Konjac bloggers event & a sneaky Boots haul

from left to right: Ashleigh, Sarah J, Sarah I, myself & Mia
Last Saturday I ventured through the torrential rain and into Central London for an exciting bloggers event hosted by Konjac Sponge Co, a relatively new and upcoming skincare brand specialising in natural sponges. They showed us all of the options available and which skin types they correspond with, as well as a range of options for different ages and purposes. Everybody knows that we don't  feel our best post-gymming, so Konjac set out to combat this. I won't go into too much detail about the actual sponges as I'm saving that for a later day (but do get excited for it, it's some serious kick-ass stuff..)

Welcoming us into the event was a huge bath filled with fake sponges, saving the real deal for later. The place was surrounded by hanging bubbles with the sponges inside, entertaining me pretty much as soon as I walked in. Crazy, I know, but I felt like a child at Christmas. Transparent baubles with sponges inside excite me like you would not even imagine. Drinks were kindly offered and we all introduced ourselves, something I loved doing as meeting people who also blog and are a similar age to me is quite unusual, so a positive experience all in all. Mia, Konjac's social media manager and teen blogger extraordinaire answered every question asked, as well as giving me an insight to what it is like being the daughter of Konjac's brand and director, Michelle Riley. I really appreciated what Michelle told us about the brand, she was really down to earth, informative and straight to the point as Ashleigh said in her vlog. After getting to know each other, we all sat down for a long ramble...with topics ranging from favourite drugstore mascaras to our opinions on trends. I love talking to like-minded people who share the same beauty-obsessed fantasies.
boots: baby lips lip balm - mint fresh // color show vintage leather nail polish - mudslide tote // 24 hour colour tattoo cream eyeshadow - on and on bronze.

Afterwards, Sarah and I set off to Selfridges to browse and then make the inevitable realisation that "woah, we can't afford any of this...let's go to Boots instead". Unsurprisingly, I find many everyday circumstances lead me to that very same conclusion. Beauty blogger problems, eh? I left Boots £8 poorer but incredibly satisfied on the beauty scale of things thanks to their current 3 for 2 deal with all of Maybelline cosmetics. I've wanted their famous colour tattoo in 'on and on bronze' since it came out and I finally had an excuse to purchase it. Falling into the turbulent spin that is the buzz around Baby Lips lip balms that have recently been released in the UK, 'mint fresh' also ended up in my basket; as did their vintage leather nail polish in 'mudslide tote'. The wrath of newly-released products is never beneficial to my wallet. Sarah and I then nipped off to the Subway next to Bond St station and almost got soaked by the rain which was legitimately pouring by this stage, however fortunately we were undercover by the time the rain reached its climax. Before you start worrying, our Subways did not get wet/ruined/disheartened. Phew. Those who know me well in real life will know my love for meatball marinara Subways, and probably know the incredibly embarrassing tale regarding my adoration for them. If not, consider yourself lucky. I'll save that story for another day. Ooh, how secretive.


p.s - If you do have a spare moment, go check out the links I've attached under the photos of the other bloggers. You won't be disappointed, I promise.


Monday, 26 August 2013

seize the day

tunic (worn as top) topshop via charity shop / skirt american apparel (sale, of course) / belt topshop / satchel peacocks / black patent cut out brogues office / bracelets, assorted, from travels / no nail polish (!!!) - I honestly never thought this day would come.

The other day I heard a song for the first time, aptly titled 'seize the day'. I got that feeling when you discover something ever so perfect that you want to listen to it all day, but are forced to refrain from doing so merely because you don't want to ruin the effect by repeating it excessively. It's just that good. Will Heard managed to create perfection in musical form and wow, it is so commendable. So taking the message from the song, I decided to have an über productive day and got so much done, including helping sort out the rather dire lighting situation in my room, recyling 56+ odd bits of paper and embarking on a general tidy around the place. I can now see floor guys, this hints at an improvement. For the reference, it's navy. It's not normal that during summer I get loads done, simply as my adoration for my bed tends to overwhelm me during August; but today has been an exception. *Cue fabulous mood* It's really nice to feel happy and buzzed. Recent disappointments have got to me recently but days like today have taught me to take them in my stride and use previous failures as an advantage for the future. 


p.s - I promise that from now on my posts won't be so philosophical/rambly/self centred, I just felt the need to express my current feelings!
p.p.s - my usual nail polished talons will return soon, guaranteed. A breather was definitely overdue.

now playing: will heard - seize the day

Sunday, 25 August 2013

DIY floral stationery jars

old jam jars assorted, although you can buy fab cheapy ones from ikea here / fabric tape tiger / pens tesco, featured in my recent post on stationery buys which you can find here.

Despite how I am one of the least craftiest  people ever, I had an unexpected surge of creativity the other day when trying to sort out my ever-growing collection of coloured pens. I grabbed some floral fabric tape which I purchased from Tiger a few months ago for a mere £3 and made sure the jars I had were clean inside and out. Holding the jar on its side, I then lined up the tape parallel to the bottom of the jar but not quite touching, so allowing a little bit of space at the bottom. I then carefully spun the tape around, crossing over slightly so no clear glass could be seen. Upon reaching the top, all I did was carefully pull the tape around for just over a full rotation and then snip with scissors. Et voilà ! Very very simple. I imagine this would look nice with lace or broderie anglaise as well as they would add some texture to spice up a normally dull desk! What I love about this is that it is so affordable, quick and easy and spices up your stationery really quickly.

Are you going to give this tutorial a try?



Thursday, 22 August 2013

pre-autumn wishlist

burgundy scalloped satchel - £30 asos / black rib tube pants - £32 river island / tartan makeup bag - £12 topshop / grey check treggings - £24 miss selfridge / berry arran jumper - £38 asos / tapestry boots - £30 new look via asos / oversized black paisley blouse - £20 missguided / rose gold watch - £25 river island via asos / pink marl slouchy top - £22 river island / black leather look skater skirt - £15 new look teens / black buckle cut out boots - £25 new look teens

Notice anything you're longing after? I spot eleven. If I had to prioritise (and yes, this is rather difficult) I'd put the black buckle cut out boots at the top of my list, simply because they are so beautiful. Flat, practical, wearable colour and style and they would look so damn cute with ruffle socks. Fact. Next on the list is the gorgeous paisley top which I have had on my eye for a while and then when Lily wore it in this post my love for it was confirmed. Berry tones are my favourites and the jumper fits the bill perfectly. Shame about the actual bill though, I better look out for a less expensive dupe (sorry asos). To conclude my faves of the faves, (yes, that is a term), I have to mention the ribbed tube pants. I've been lusting after a pair of American Apparel riding pants for years now but until I am in full-time employment earning comfortable amounts of money they will be remaining in store, that is for sure. These look like pretty good dupes from River Island at 50% the price of AA's installment. I'm so tempted to try them on in store as they look perfect for A/W and I love thick leggings and high waisted bottoms!

What are you pining for at the moment?


Tuesday, 20 August 2013

take back the night

playsuit new look teens / satchel peacocks (here) / loafers peacocks (here) / bracelets assorted, from travels / nails: la colours 'jewel tone'

Surprisingly nice weather today allowed me to whip out one of my favourite pieces of clothing, this playsuit from New Look. I bought it when on sale a couple of years ago, down to only £3 or something crazy like that. It still fits me despite purchasing it before my 'growth spurt', somewhat confirming how I haven't actually grown that much in the past few years (once a midget, always a midget). I love how it incorporates a dark background shade and florals, making it less girly and more wearable for someone like myself who is scared of colour and prone to spilling things all over me. That is why you will very rarely see me wearing a white shirt...

The satchel and loafer duo are new purchases from when I was in Wales thanks to the lovely family friend, Cle, who not only let me stay with her, but also quickly became my shopping partner-in-crime. I rarely ever pop into Peacocks as there aren't many stores near where I live. This made it a pleasant surprise when I popped into the Whitchurch store in Cardiff to be attacked by rails of lovely bags and rails of shoes. I'm still in the process of convincing my parents that just because I have shoes, doesn't mean I shouldn't continue to buy more and more pairs. Makes sense, right? I have a lot of potential love to give out to new pairs of autumn boots which I will feature in an upcoming wishlist post for sure. I'm going for the pre-autumn vibes. Perfect weather (occasionally) and lightweight layering = happy times.

I'm donning incredibly OTT nails at the moment, ones I've nicknamed 'the celebratory nails'. Mainly because my exam results come out in two days and in the midst of me being an absolute nervy wreck, I'm trying my hardest to remain positive and am hoping my celebratory nails will foreshadow exam success. Foreshadowing eh, hopefully that's English Lit down to a t...

now playing: take back the night - justin timberlake

Monday, 19 August 2013

the body shop raspberry body butter

The Body Shop's raspberry body butter is a prime example of one of those annoyingly brilliant products, annoying due to being limited edition. Now I got this back in March for my birthday on a seasonal offer, I think it was reduced to around £5 online and the offer seemed too great to miss. Like all of the other body butters (my other favourite being pink grapefruit) it is super moisturising without being too heavy. It fits the bill for 'normal skin', which I would interpret as being the middle ground between oily and dry skin. The scent is incredibly vivid and lasts on your skin for a while, something worth noting as it can be considered quite overpowering. Putting this on after a hot shower before bed is when I use this most, as I wake up with lovely soft skin that smells nice and fruity.

As this isn't currently available, I thought recommending you different variants of the product would be a good idea. For really dry skin types I would recommend cocoa or mango over this primarily due to its availability, but they smell delicious too. Normal to dry types can indulge in the strawberry variation and if you're fortunate enough to not have those dreaded dry patches, perhaps a lotion would suit you better. I have gone through many small bottles of the mango whip body lotion as they are moisturising without being too thick or heavy, so therefore suit the rarely appearing summer months. If you're still after a raspberry kick, I'd go for the pomegranate and raspberry scented candle. I'm not all that into candles as such as I have a huge paranoia regarding fire but every time I go into store I always give it a smell. It's gorgeous! If you simply love the famous raspberry taste, I'd go for their lip balm or lip gloss instead. I have the lip balm and it is super moisturising without being overly sticky, so has a great balance.

Another thing I must add is subscribe to the Body Shop emails! They email offer codes all the time, as well as featuring new products. I have bought so many last-minute birthday presents using their reduction codes and never felt guilty afterwards! Wait until you get a 40% off code until you buy (or mass-buy in many cases.) You'll feel so much better afterwards..that is both economically and in terms of 'softability'. Yes, that is a relevant word. If you find the body butters from the Body Shop a bit on the pricey side, I would go and purchase some from Superdrug instead. I adore their body butters; they're sold for a much cheaper £3.69 for the same quantity of product and are currently on 'buy one get one free'. Go go go! My favourite one from their range is the cranberry and pomegranate version.

Have you tried any body butters from the Body Shop? Which one is your personal favourite?


disclaimer: this post is not sponsored at all, I highly doubt the people at the Body Shop or Superdrug even know I exist! I just love body butters and lotions though, my collection is ever-growing and my skin to this day will remain soft thanks to their stuff.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

clutching on to my mind

both clutches purchased at local charity shops, totalling around the £5 mark

Never underestimate the power of the clutch. Your loyal companion on nights out, the perfect reassurance that your essentials are indeed on you at all times and that last piece of the puzzle when completing an outfit. Additionally it acts as a barrier, restricting you from lugging your life/27 kilograms of luggage on you at all times. To people who do that - I completely understand you. The category 'essentials' can become somewhat expanded from time to time. But doesn't your back hurt from all of this strain? If I want to be carrying lots of things I would much prefer it be new purchases. Just sayin'.

A while back I discovered these two beauties to fill the clutch-shaped hole in my heart. Both charity shop buys as cheap as chips. Both came with a longer strap that I've strategically hidden in the photos but will undoubtedly end up using regularly when out and about. This saves the inevitable regular hand-swaps and paranoia regarding potentially putting it down somewhere and then losing it forever. Now that would be bad. 


Friday, 16 August 2013

life lately

camera obscura, edinburgh / saying goodbye to gma at heathrow airport / water bottle from st fagans, cardiff / green tea kitkats from japan / incorrect spelling of the city I once lived in  / new piercing: third lobe

Life lately has been a bit of a whiz. In the past month I have been to a bit of everywhere, and my mind is in a fuzzle despite minimal time zones being involved. The whole London-Rome-London-Edinburgh-London-Cardiff-London-Cambridge-Norfolk-London thing has got to me. As of now I'm back in Cardiff yet again to go glamping, which considering it is of the camping variation I'm actually really excited. So here's a little bit of an update. 

The lovely Gillian of elevator musik recommended visiting Camera Obscura in her post about Edinburgh. I've been reading her blog for quite a while now and I really trust her opinions, and she's a Scot so knows a lot about the area. I'm so happy I took her advice, it was a lovely day out filled with coloured lights, optical illusions and a beautiful panoramic view of the city.

 My lovely Gma flew back to her native Perth last week, and it was horrible to see her go after spending six weeks with her. She's a clever cookie though, and used some of her savings to buy business class flights. Consequently, she was treated like an absolute Queen by the air staff. As she should. 

Visiting Cardiff for a short city break gave me the time to visit St Fagans, the National History Museum. Now if I'm going to be completely truthful, the idea of visiting a history museum didn't make me ecstatic, nor was I jumping for joy but all in all the day went relatively well. A couple of negatives included having a wasp fly and sink into my (full drink) and getting absolutely soaked in the rain. Summer eh? Where did that end up? Luckily whilst making a somewhat immature visit to the gift shop I found the most wonderful water bottle ever. Purple, sparkly and is what I have been longing for the past ten years. Now I need to find an excuse to use it. Perhaps I could go running? Perhaps not.

Now this isn't really related to my life as such, but recently I discovered a pack of green tea kit kats in my kitchen, sent to my Dad by a colleague when he was sent abroad for work. What even?! This craziness was too much for me to handle *takes obligatory wtf-is-going-on-shot and posts on twitter.*

Another rambly story, my best friend Jack and I popped into town recently to hand in CVs and beg ask if any vacancies were available at numerous retail shops. Our hopes weren't achieved, nor were they dashed...but we learnt that time and patience is the key to employment in this current day and economy. Whilst in town, I found that the lovely nail polish brand had spelled New Delhi incorrectly, something that entertained me a little. I know I shouldn't take joy in the mistakes of others but I did used to live there, this should be an exception. 

Last but not least, I finally got around to getting my third lobe piercing on my left ear. Now that I've left school I don't need to worry about piercing restrictions so I thought, why not? Be a tiny bit rebellious for once. And it was only a tenner. It seemed silly not to. 

So how have you all been lately? Would love to hear a little bit about what has been going on recently with other people. Let me know in the comments if something particularly interesting has happened, I'd love to know (and I'm secretly very a little bit nosy..)


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

honestly I wanna see you be brave

jumper primark / pale pink blouse (worn underneath) miss selfridge via charity shop / indigo joni jeans topshop / black croc bag vintage / black loafers new look / bracelets assorted, from travels / nails: topshop nails in 'suffuse' - buy online here ~ post about it here 

Fashion blogging has taught me that lazy days don't necessarily have to be boring when it comes to choice of clothing, well...not necessarily. Mum kindly picked up this jumper for me during her most recent Primark visit, coming home and proudly claiming 'this is so you, Thalia!' She was correct, of course. My Mum probably knows me better than anybody else. I must also credit her for letting me borrow this cute and impractically-sized beauty that is this black croc bag. I can get over the strange strap length and tiny interior as it's just so beautiful. One can get over such small problems when aesthetically it ticks every box.

I'm off camping for the second weekend in a row in a couple of days time, back to Wales for the second time in two weeks. This is a massive statement for me as until now I have probably been camping a mere five or six times. However, I was reassured. We're going 'glamping', so everything will be alright. I've always thought that camping needed to up-the-ante, my mind is still full of memories regarding cold and soaking tents in the chilly Autumn of northern India. Fabulous, I remind myself.

I'm scheduling a couple of posts whilst I'm away which hopefully, should all go to plan...fingers crossed. If not, you'll get another glimpse of my adventures upon my return on Monday. That is if my mood isn't somewhat manipulated by the fact that it is results week, so the vibe I will probably end up going for is nervous/sweaty/paranoid/agitated. Such a charming combination.

Speak soon,


currently listening to: sara bareilles - brave

Monday, 12 August 2013

keep you safe until you fall asleep

shirt asos (link) / skirt miss selfridge (link) / bag new look / studded loafers primark / paperclip earrings brandy melville / nails: barry m 'prickly pear' & sinful colors 'let me go'

location: Queens' College, (University of) Cambridge 

A little while back I mentioned in this post how I would love to go to Cambridge University after I leave sixth form in two years time. Don't get me wrong, this would be a complete aspiration and is 'the pinnacle' so by no means am I going to assume anything! Anyway, my family and I headed off to Norfolk last week for the annual gathering we attend with all of our family friends. To break up the journey, we spent Friday afternoon mooching around Cambridge, a place I'd never been to before. The place itself is beautiful, the architecture is old but in a good way, and contrasts massively with the whole city-girl-vibe I usually go for. I found the place a little intimidating if I'm going to be completely honest as I know so many academic people have lived here and all of that. Those thoughts aside, my Mum, younger brother and I walked to a few of the colleges including Queens' College. We saw all of the punting (and the attractive students working there) whilst standing on the Mathematical Bridge and it was all rather pretty. That is the surroundings in both architectural and human (specifically male) forms. 

The outfit is mainly compiled of a new shirt from asos (thank you Abbie!) and a cute floral skirt from Miss Selfridge. My Grandma kindly bought me the ditsy skirt and top before flying back home to Perth as a early results day present sort of thing. I now have to live up to big wishes as I would rather not send two of my current favourite clothing items 17,000km away as a punishment. The skirt was longer than I had anticipated after ordering it online, however this for me is a positive outcome as it means I can wear it to sixth form without worrying about not sticking to the dress code rules. The shirt is very versatile and can be worn with simple leggings, skinny jeans or skirts depending on the look you're going for, and in this outfit I went for the summery vibe. I love how it has cutout without being too revealing, I'm not overly confident about cutouts usually so this small and subtle insertion of lace works perfectly for me!

I'm thinking of writing a post about Cambridge mainly to show off some of the beautiful things to see, would any of you be interested?

now playing: calvin harris - thinking about you

Saturday, 10 August 2013

MUA matte perfect primer

mua matte perfect primer - £4 from superdrug / mua website

When my mini sample of Benefit's porefessional primer ran out, I knew that I needed to buy an affordable replacement. This small tube of MUA's matte perfect primer fills the job brilliantly; smoothing any pores, lines or acne scars and lightly covering them with a light, moose-y texture. The pale peach colour of the primer as shown in the photo above shouldn't faze you, it blends into the skin wonderfully and the shade cannot be seen after doing so. In terms of its ability to prime, I commend it. Considering it cost only £4, I wasn't expecting miracles but I was pleasantly surprised. I feel much more confident wearing foundation over this than when I go without, as it reassures me that my foundation won't budge for many hours. The scent is light and shouldn't aggravate sensitive skin: I have combination/sensitive acne-prone skin and this doesn't irritate it or break me out. However, if your skin is super-sensitive I would give this a miss just to be careful. 

On another note, I know the purpose of this product is simply to prime the skin for foundation, locking it in place; however I think perhaps on lazy days it works good for evening out skin tones, and therefore could be worn without foundation on top if you were wanting a chilled, no makeup vibe. In terms of comparison to Benefit's porefessional primer, I don't have that one on me at the moment so I cannot show you via photos. Naturally, I would say that due to it being a high-end product it performs better, smooths out your skin slightly more and performs better in terms of longevity; however the MUA primer doesn't do a half bad job. I think it's perfect for us who are on a budget! Just think of it this way: you could buy six MUA primers instead of a single Benefit primer, and still have enough change for a Mars bar. *does the maths* or you could put it this way: £24.50 could buy you 90ml of MUA's primer and a chocolate, or 22ml of Benefit's primer. Now, take a moment to think about that... Win? I think so. 

What's your favourite primer and why would you recommend it?



Friday, 9 August 2013

stationery haulin'

fuchsia folder rymans / all of the rest tesco

If anyone ever tells you that they're 'not really into stationery', they are lying. I can pretty much guarantee that an inkling of every human being is delighted by the mere prospect of new stationery, myself included. So yeah, 'new school year, new start' thinks everyone, once again, myself included. Now that I've technically left school, I'm off to start my A-Levels at Sixth Form. What does this mean for me? Stress, exams, responsibility, revision, university applications and endless planning. 'I may as well ease myself into it and start on a high note', I thought to myself.*

*and then promptly decides to raid my local Tesco's.

Good luck for the new school/university year to all of you students, and if you've left the never-ending system of education, good luck to you too. May we all drown our sorrows in gel pens and cute ring binders.


Thursday, 8 August 2013

catching up with Clem

Covent Garden musings
Sass & Belle (online here)
Lush charity pot & a view I will never tire of seeing
 Southbank seating & a free ticket home!

You know that feeling when you meet someone and you just click...and you feel like you've known them for ages? That's how I feel around Clem. I met her back in April at Rosie's Blogger Bake Sale which I posted about here and ever since we've stayed in contact. Unfortunately she's relocating up to the lovely city of Stirling in Scotland next month (which I have been to, and I must note, it is SO pretty there!) to do her Masters degree, the clever thing. Making the most of her last month in London, we met up to discuss nice food, sit on the Southbank, waltz around South London and mooch around Covent Garden for a while, before finally settling for a catch up on Victoria Embankment. 

Lunch at Las Iguanas was essential. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos there, but in my defence my full attention was dedicated to the huge (and beautiful) enchilada sitting on my plate. Sometimes you have to be selfish and keep those experiences to yourself...hehehe. It was my fourth time there and the third different chain I've been to and it didn't disappoint. It very nearly accommodated Clem's vegan lifestyle after a bit of asking the waiter for no cheese, along with some very persuasive styles, the meal suit both her and my I'll-eat-anything-except-seafood-and-nuts attitude. The only thing about LG is that it is definitely on the fancier end of the spectrum in terms of food and price and is a special meal rather than a regular occurrence. Back to my £3 Subway meal I go....

We walked over one of the bridges walking towards north of the river, the one that I swear used to be wobbly but now isn't?! I vaguely remember being young (think 10 years ago or so) and being so excited as I wobbled in Central London with my Gran. Wasn't I a cool kid?! Heading towards Covent Garden, we found ourselves becoming lost in the midst of old bookstores, with shelves filled to the brim of classic pages by well-known writers. Covent Garden is one of my all time favourite places in London. A touristy classic filled with crafty buys, endless Lush soaps and market stalls with unique earrings. I picked up a little sign for my Grandma to take home to Australia with 'keep calm and drink tea' on it, which she loved. She's an obsessive tea-drinker to say the least and the iconic 'keep calm' phrase acted as a great souvenir to remind her of London. Clem found a mug with a moustache on, so naturally a photo had to be taken to capture the moment. A quick nip into the Lush store was necessary, of course. After acts of restraint had to be taken place, I left with only one item..their famous charity pot. Costing only £1, this miniscule package is ridiculously hard to open and thus I haven't actually tried out the lotion, as it is sitting inside there, completely trapped. I'm not too gutted as all of the money (except VAT) went to some brilliant charities and the packaging is so so so cute.

Afterwards we headed towards Victoria Embankment, had a nice chat and then walked back south of the River Thames. I will never get tired of seeing that beautiful and iconic London view. Very generic in terms of a photo opportunity but I simply had to capture the moment. After saying goodbye to Clem at Waterloo, I bumped into some friends who kindly gave me a free travelcard to get home. They said that the ticket machine was faulty and gave them seven more tickets than they actually needed - something that rarely ever happens! (Cheers Rob, Ryan and Tim.)

So that was all! I loved being able to catch up with Clem in London. The phrase reminds me so much of the Kardashians, but you never know...maybe 'Catching up with Clémence' will debut on E! in a few years?!


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

that's what I would do if I could turn back time

 blouse primark / trousers h&m / satchel internacionale / trainers converse / watch casio via asos / earrings new look / sunglasses primark / bracelets assorted, from travels / nails: giles (new look) unnamed

location: Box Hill, Surrey

I've been asking my Mum for months if we could go back and visit Box Hill, it's easily one of my favourite places in Surrey (along with Guildford) and offers brilliant panoramic views. It also contains childhood memories, ones involving picnics and a seven year old me running down to the bottom of the hill and taking an hour to walk back up it again. 

Onto something more exciting, a few months ago I wrote a couple of articles for online magazine Atelier Indigo and it was published the other day! It's the third issue to be released, edited and compiled by fellow blogger Kelsey who you can find at Runaway in LA. I'm so excited as it's my first article published in a magazine so a big step for me in terms of progress for the future. You can read the magazine online here and find me or my bits of my writing on pages 9, 58-59 and 80-82.

I've just gone and got another ear piercing and am about to leave for a course this evening in central London, exciting stuff!I have a feeling that August has a lot in store and I can't wait to make the most of the end of this summer.


now playing: brandi carlile - hard way home

Saturday, 3 August 2013

h&m trouser mania

recent h&m finds: khaki - £12.99 / navy - £5 / purple - £7

Now that it's August I can accept that it is merely a month until I start sixth form, which happens to be the first time since nursery that I have freedom of choice over the clothes I wear on weekdays. About time, yes. It's been a long twelve years. Naturally, this made me a tiny bit nervous on the clothing front and consequently my need (and want, let's be honest) for some more trousers amplified considerably. I essentially live in jeans but as any Brit would know, there are days when it's too warm for jeans but just that ickle bit too cold for bare legs. These three pairs came to a total of £24.99 and all of them fit very well. I've shown them all both worn with the legs rolled and unrolled just to see the variation: I love how the purple thick leggings have a darker inner as it shows an unexpected contrast. I would definitely suggest you go have a search through H&M's sale racks, the navy and purple trousers were both absolute bargains and superbly comfortable too.

Do not fret, my next post will not be about trousers/jeans/anything that falls within the 'bottoms' category. I'm just obsessed right now, I can't help it...


Friday, 2 August 2013

and the Ridley obsession continues...

 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

In my last post I yapped on about my love for my pair of ASOS Ridley jeans. I also concluded with how they would be lonely without a sister pair, a pair to simply keep them company....and satisfy my ever-present desire for jeans. The top row are in the petite variation and the bottom row are in the normal range, and my gosh, those colours. They're just so beautiful. Deep oxblood is perfect for Autumn and the cooler months, acid washes are edgy and unusual and that greyed lavender pair are perfect. No other words can describe that pair of jeans. If they were available in my size I would be ALL OVER THEM. Alas they aren't, which is probably a good thing. For my bank account that is, not my heart. 


p.s - I may or may not have convinced my friend Abbie to buy this pair when I stayed over at her place in Cardiff a couple of days ago. And she may or may not have kindly ordered me number 7....(thankyou Abbs, I love you.) 
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