Tuesday, 10 September 2013

crossed your fingers I'm yours to lose

 vest top cora (France) / paperbag skirt topshop / belt topshop / boucle jacket new look / boots new look / bracelets assorted, from travels / nails: rimmel caramel cupcake 

I wish I could conclude this outfit post with a witty/mildly entertaining comment about my life, but not much has really gone on recently. Sixth form is brilliant, I love the courses I've chosen and finding them pleasantly challenging; it was about time I finally worked hard at something after a long and incredibly lazy summer off. Since taking these photos a couple of days ago the weather has quickly declined into an Autumn-ridden phase, cold, windy and just general bleh. This skirt (£7 from the Topshop sale last year, result) is a firm favourite of mine and smart enough to wear for sixth form but not so smart that I feel like I'm in business dress. Although I think for future wears in the upcoming season I'll have to inject some tights into the equation, as much as I hate to admit it...

now playing: you me at six - lived a lie

1 comment

  1. You have such gorgeous eyes! Love the boots, New Look do such great value boots. Hannah x



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- Thalia

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