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The question today mainly revolved around the 'will it, won't it' buzz around the huge storm in the UK which has somehow missed my area completely (not that I'm complaining, of course) although it was a bit of an anticlimax. I expected to wake up to bins flying everywhere, trees flattened, leaves smothering windows...the full schbang. Needless to say, seeing families walking around the park at 9am fizzled out any worry. They looked fine, as if nothing had happened. Simply because that's what it felt like.
The main happiness in my life at the moment is due to wonderful thought of a week off from sixth form, something completely and utterly overdue and so incredibly appreciated. A pyjama day is on the cards, along with work on a couple of the days and a trip up north to visit my friend Grace for 36 hours or so (y'know, enough time to catch up but not become so attached that I'll become an emotional wreck when I leave.) I'm currently at the stage when I don't find any of my A-Levels particularly enjoyable so I'm waiting for things to spice up a little..for I pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic (if you got the reference, kudos to you and I love you). Sociology should become better soon but as for English, until I throw away the books I'm currently studying things don't look great. My teacher told me the other day that I 'try too hard' in my essays. Because you know, trying hard isn't approved of nowadays.
Okay so some post-payday purchases made the other day were just a little sneaky but I'm excited to show them off on here asap, but in the natural just-subtly-sneaking-into-an-outfit-post kind of way. I never feel like my hauls are substantial/interesting enough to feature in a dedicated post so I guess you'll just have to keep your eyes open for some new appearances. Saying that, I simply couldn't wait to show off these new boots as I've been lusting over them for ages so when these arrived in the ASOS package the other day I had to do a celebratory squeal/interpretive dance. Seriously though, just imagine it. An uncoordinated, short-limbed blogger 'busting' some happy moves. Not so pleasant.
now playing: perfect - hedley