Sunday, 24 February 2013

your intentions were gold

purple speckled lightweight sweater new look / berry cardigan primark / quilted coat asos / blue jeggings h&m / boots miss selfridge / leather satchel Camden Market / nails: Rimmel 'Chic and Chearful'

I should really learn to stop procrastinating. Today's the last day of half term, the generous 9-day break of which 8 days have been spent doing no work whatsoever. Consequently, today I've been putting time into countless pages of textiles coursework, geography exam questions and endless maths revision. Well, after scoffing on numerous croissants and many slices of french bread. 'I may not be doing French work, so I'll eat like the French' I thought to myself. Days like this really make me think into the future: in three and a half months I'll be on the longest summer of my life, with no exams, hopefully a summer job and excited at the prospect of dropping two of the aforementioned subjects. 

Saying this, before any of that can happen I have to go exam crazy and coursework wild so here's just a little note to say that posting will most probably ease off in the upcoming few months. I have a couple of posts arranged for this week (queen of organisation) however after then weekends will be the only time I really have. Seriously looking forward to having more daytime sunlight...I'm definitely over this cold weather and these dark afternoons!



Saturday, 23 February 2013

recently purchased #2

(from L-R, top to bottom rows) river island silver cross earrings / new look teens speckled purple jumper / topshop (sale) berry tights / new look teens burgundy bandeau / rimmel nail polishes in ....... / nivea lip butter in raspberry rose / h&m (sale) royal blue scarf / charity shop vintage magenta oversized velvet blouse / asos (sale) navy peplum t-shirt

And with this post, I am deciding to go on a temporary spending ban. Half term simply allocates the time for me to spend pondering shops, in this case in multiple places. I went to Shrewsbury on Monday of this week and absolutely adored it...think Guildford but more Northern, if that makes any sort of sense.

I've picked up some crazy bargains recently though - scarf for £2, tights for £2, vintage top for £3, oh yes. The Rimmel polishes were on a 2 for £5 deal at Superdrug: I'm not sure if the deal is still on but check anyway! I've tried both colours out and I am such a fan of the formulation. Also, this mini haul has got me thinking about my love for Nivea. Their Milk & Honey lip balm is my holy grail (I even used the term) and I am so close to buying my third tube of it. This raspberry rose lip butter is a relatively new-ish release, and I definitely like this one too. It applies so softly and has a milky colour when first applied. It sinks into the lips so nicely and tastes absolutely gorgeous!

Have you picked up any bargains recently?


Friday, 22 February 2013

scared of the lonely arms

purple marl top internacionale / denim jacket vintage / black skirt India / purple tights topshop (£2!) / studded loafers primark / watch casio via asos / nails: rimmel aqua cool

This outfit was from a couple of days ago - half term is the week when I  forget any school commitments and organisational techniques and end up with everything in a messy heap. I have about four outfits photographed from various dates, all of which corresponded with days that went along the lines of lazy-family-food-American Idol. That's pretty much the life I lead in this one enjoyable week.

Saying this, today is the last day this can happen. I ate out for lunch today at the gorgeous B-Soho restaurant on Poland Street in Central London today with my Dad, my goodness their pesto pizza is delicious. I have piles of coursework hiding in folders on my shelves, and I have a feeling they won't magically disappear by themselves. Well, at least that's what I've heard from teachers.

Tonight I'm celebrating my friend Chloe's birthday at Nando's with a bunch of friends, so I'm looking forward to getting ready, choosing an outfit and doing my hair, looking somewhat...nice. Here's to eating out twice in one day?! Greedy as ever.



Thursday, 21 February 2013

I miss all of the endless starlit nights

Grace Wore
striped crop tee bank / denim high waisted shorts topshop / socks primark / wellies car boot sale / necklaces both gifted / hat only / phone case ebay / rings all accesorize (exception: right hand middle finger was from Indian market) / watch bridge street antique vintage shop / nails: rimmel rose libertine 

I wore
navy striped jumper la redoute / chocolate quilted jacket with stole primark / grey jeans h&m kids / wellies Mum's / nails: topshop hidden treasure

Long time no talk!

I mentioned in previous posts how I was going to visit my friend Grace, who lives 150 miles north. What can I say... the trip was lovely. After not seeing her for over two and a half years it was so nice to catch up and have a cute gossip. I met Gracie around five years ago; we were both British girls living in Delhi and we studied at the same school. I think it is unusual how now we both have friends that have now moved away from India and now live on many corners of the globe, from Scotland to China, Costa Rica to Switzerland.

Grace's look was something I found to be very ~festival chic~ and a lot more daring than I usually go for. I am in love with her brown watch, something about antique jewellery always amazes me. The wellies I'm wearing are actually my Mum's from a market ages ago and I love them, they're very reminiscent of Spring and florals are always good in my eyes. The nail polish is Topshop's take on the famous Chanel 'Peridot' polish. It looks far darker in the bottle and then translates on the nails to become a metallic, unique green colour, something that I find different to what you'd usually find. The nail polish actually belongs to Grace however being an owner of an embarrassing astonishing 80 nail polishes, nothing is stopping me from purchasing more.

I have a few more days off until I go back to school on Monday and I've got a few posts ready; I'm kind of hoping to have a 'blogging surge' before the school stress kicks in for these last few weeks before the exam season. Expect outfit posts, a haul and a review to be published soon!


title song

Saturday, 16 February 2013

leopard print and leaves

 black three quarter sleeve peplum top dorothy perkins / studded jeggings pull & bear / brown + faux fur gilet forever 21 / leopard scarf Oxford St stall / boots ebay / nails: avon golden vision

Thank goodness the weather is starting to warm up - outdoor outfit photos are quickly becoming way more enjoyable. This is yet another peplum top I've purchased recently, I guess I missed the trend when it was huge over the past few months but recently my love for them has escalated. I particularly like less structured ones as y'know, breathing is hard enough being asthmatic, let alone when wearing a ridiculously tight top. 

This week has been crazy mental! Pancake day was celebrated in full style at my household as per usual, and I was reminded of my love for maple syrup. School demands pretty much rose above the roof this week also, with various deadlines and tests making their mark just before half term, which I am now on. Hooorah,  I've been thinking to myself. 9 days of absolute bliss. I'm recovering from one hell of a cold that almost hit me too hard to attend school yesterday. But, being the good student, I soldiered on anyway (brownie points to me yet?!)

Also, on Monday I hit 100 GFC followers. This may seem like such an insignificant number to some of you, but for me it's a goal I've hoped to achieve for a while now. Definitely the first big milestone. Thank you, to each and every one of you that's commented/supported me over the past thirteen months :) 

Last night my friend Jamie and I went to my school's annual Gym and Dance show, something I was part of in 2011 and 2012 but couldn't focus on this year due to school demands and having a general lack of free time. I also got my GCSE exam timetable through a couple of days ago, which is incredibly daunting as it means everything begins to happen so soon! Always reminding myself that this summer will be 10 weeks off anything education-related. Phew.

This is my last outfit post before heading up north to Stoke, I think I'm going to try and post whilst up there but as for logistics and practicality I haven't really thought of it through yet. An inkling of me is gutted that I can't be at LFW, since going two years ago I've loved the busy atmosphere and emerging talent. I keep saying to myself though that in a few years I will have earned my way there as a journalist. Keeping my hopes high, as always.

Hope you have a lovely weekend,


Sunday, 10 February 2013

glimpses of the light that shines

red peplum top asos / navy batwing cardigan cotton on / jeggings h&m / brogues primark / necklace stall in Majorca / ring stall in Buenos Aires / watch casio via asos

Today was definitely a day when no matter how many outfit photos came out right. The lack of focus irritates me hugely but I wanted to post this outfit nonetheless. This top is one of two red items I own in my entire wardrobe; I usually do not gravitate towards it but when asked to name something I wanted for Christmas under the £10 mark I chose this. It cost £9 from asos (although it's on sale for £7 here right now, grab it quickly if you're a size 14!) and I quite like it. I love the texture with it being a peplum top, but the added factor that you can actually breathe whilst wearing it too is nice. It's much more free flowing than many of the structured ones you can find out there, and since wearing it for the first time today I decided to make a sneaky Sunday morning asos order (my favourite type of online shopping), with yet another peplum top.

I hope you've all had a fab weekend, I'm looking forward to spending the night at home watching Dancing On Ice with my family and eating too much pizza. It's pretty much a tradition in my household, one that I appreciate greatly.


P.S - Happy Chinese New Year to any of you celebrating it :)

title song - I'm obsessed.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

"because you saw me when I was invisible"

peter pan collar dress new look / biker jacket with stole primark / tights primark / boots ebay

I've been a bit lazy this weekend. I hadn't painted my nails, done my hair or applied any makeup. But then I thought, why not go natural? I wish others would do so too, it's almost as if society has shaped us to believe that we are only sufficient when concealed and covered in more ways than one. It's nice to let your skin breathe, and believe that no matter what you may look like, you are beautiful.

Today I went browsing for prom dresses, Mum and I took the chance to have a drive down to Sussex and look in a dress shop. I've come home and spent a few hours browsing numerous websites; this sort of thing excites me considerably more than revision! I can't wait to buy one and wear it this summer, I'm hoping the weather finally gets better and the burden of exams washes away.

Just one more week until half term break; the thought of time to be relaxed, watching movies in bed makes me so incredibly happy. Last night I watched The Princess Diaries, I remember watching this back when I was seven! It's still a personal favourite, and I'm still looking for a Michael Moscovitz in my life. 

What's your favourite movie?

I hope you have a lovely Saturday night & a fab weekend,



Tuesday, 5 February 2013

navy & purple tartan

grey neppy peplum top dorothy perkins / berry cardigan primark / tartan scarf tiger / black skinny jeans pull & bear / black suede slouchy boots miss selfridge / ring market in Buenos Aires  / nails: M&S 'City Grey'

I featured this tartan scarf in my last post, can I just say that I am totally in love. It was so worth asking a tall stranger to reach it from the high display unit (5"2 problems) and having an ever-so-slightly awkward encounter. This outfit for me just screams simplicity, comfort and so many of my favourite pieces. I'm not a huge fan of repeating outfits on my blog as I guess it encourages me to try out new combinations, however this may just have to be an exception.

This week is going by so slowly! I'm really looking forward to half term which is ten days away. School's at an awkward post-exam state yet no results are released yet, so motivation is...struggling. I think I've mentioned this before but I am SO excited to get the train up north to Stoke to see my friend Grace, we met around four and a half years ago when living in Delhi and I haven't seen her since I left! According to my phone that was 982 days ago, jeeez. Our long distance friendship survived over 4000 miles and now it's only 150, so whoever said distance kills a friendship was evidently lying!

Do you have any long distance friends?

Hope you all have a lovely rest of this week,


Sunday, 3 February 2013

recently purchased

biker jacket and stole - Primark / purple jumper - H&M / black suede slouchy boots - Miss Selfridge / navy and purple tartan scarf - Tiger / grey chambray shirt - H&M / you me at six albums - HMV  / black winter coat - asos / Marie Claire March 2013 £2

A few things that I've picked up recently, a couple you may have spotted in recent posts as I was too impatient to photograph them together. I'm pretty positive you'll see all of the fashion-related ones in the future also. I've been adoring the tartan scarf, it's so soft and only cost a fiver. Tiger is really standing out to me at the moment - it's reminiscent of IKEA without all of the furniture, if that makes sense?! All of the bits and bobs, from jewellery boxes to cheese bites, headphones to pretty notebooks. The stuff in there is seriously so affordable, and I always leave with a small but fun purchase.

I hope you're all having a relaxing Sunday - and just a heads up, Marie Claire only costs £2 this month so grab yourself a bargain with that too. 



Saturday, 2 February 2013

we talked it over and it's our little secret

 black peplum top new look / biker jacket with fur stole primark / jeans h&m kids / boots new look / bag Camden market / nails M&S 'City Grey'

So here's the biker jacket I mentioned in my previous post. It's comfy, has a good fit and was only a tenner. Primark, you are brilliant. Sadly, on the other hand this will be the last time I wear these jeans (yes, I mourn my clothes..) I've had them nearly two years and fortunately in that time period I have grown enough to say they don't fit properly anymore. This calls for a celebration. At £5.99 they were arguably my best bargain e v e r and I love them. I'm donating them to my friend Kyle who is making a huge denim cape as part of his final Textiles GCSE project, so I'm sure they'll go to good use.

The photos from today were incredibly rushed, so aren't as good as I usually like them! Today I went into town to buy fabric for my Textiles work (which was unsuccessful, as I left with only lace and beads in toll). I picked up a few other things that I'm planning to do a haul post on, so for now they'll remain a secret. I have lots and lots and lots of work that I need to be doing, although not all is school-related and actually leans towards exciting, which is unorthodox for me, and a nice change.

I hope you're all having a lovely Saturday night,


title song
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