Thursday, 19 February 2015

team forest green

forest green crepe polo top topshop link | black zip coated skinny jeans cotton on - Australia link / UK alternative | croc shoulder bag asos link | new balance 410 grey schuh link | watch silver casio mini | spike earrings forever 21 | nails: m&s city grey + barry m matte top coat

They say money doesn't equal happiness, I get that. Not that I assume I'll ever earn enough money to truly put that to the test, but I know that with high-earning jobs come high levels of stress. Now I don't make much money at all, and fortunately, this top didn't cost much, yet it has taught me something very important. As silly as it sounds, clothes make me ridiculously happy. I just love them. The feeling of a Topshop carrier bag filled with new things is overwhelmingly positive (note: approximately 4% negative, as with any purchase comes a tinge of 'I probably shouldn't have done that'). Now, when I buy clothes that I love, I wear them until they die, denying that the small holes and signs of wear that form are significant enough to stop wearing the items altogether.

Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats them when they're at their freshest. The first wear, you know it's looking (and more importantly, feeling) fab as anything. You give it a debut to the outside world, whether this be outside the precincts of your home or in my case, a) sixth form or b) this thing I call my blog that you happen to be reading from right at this very moment. Every once in a while I find something that gives me the same amount of happiness the eighty-fourth time I wear it as it's initial wear. I have a feeling that this top may just fall into that exclusive category (along with my beloved asos a-line denim skirts I wear at least once a week without fail and my silver casio mini watch that has been my partner in crime since I was fifteen). 

So there you go - an ode to my new favourite shirt: possibly the comfiest thing I own, equipped with a seasonally-appropriate polo neckline and finished in a stunning forest green shade. I'd be lying to you if I said the truffle coloured version isn't next on my shopping list.


p.s It destroys my soul a lil' bit that we don't have Cotton On here in the UK. Their jeans are legitimately to die for.


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- Thalia

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