Tuesday, 3 March 2015


blue oversized blouse Rokit - vintage | washed black a-line skirt asos link | croc shoulder bag asos link | black cut out boots new look | watch silver casio mini | earrings lovisa - Australia | nails: m&s city grey + barry m matte top coat | lips: collection lip butter in perfect plum 

I freaking love March. This year it looks like it is going to be a good'un. I have my 18th among the birthdays of numerous friends of mine, which is always fun. Any excuse to buy a cheesy card and write a mini essay about how much I appreciate my friends (yes, I am that friend that gets all sentimental on birthdays). I'm also going to see Paloma Faith with the rents and Sam Smith (!!!!!) with one of my besties Kate so all in all I am buzzzzzzing. January and February were slow brewers for me but this month looks like it'll be memorable.

On other positive notes, I've started my new job and so far I'm enjoying the new challenge. Whilst I still work in retail, this job is a lot more hands-on and fast paced so is a bit more exciting than my previous one (however it is also v. tiring and 2 flights of stairs have to be conquered quickly on a regular basis, something I'm really going to have to get used to). On the topic of exercise, I went to my first spin class ever with my two close friends Sophia and Tara and breaking news: we didn't die, so I guess that is a very good thing. I'm still a lil' shocked about how freaking hard the saddle was (honestly though, it was painfully hard) and my thighs aren't really loving me today, let's just say. The ache will be worth it - one of my 2015 goals was to exercise more and although I've left it a couple of months to start, better late than never, eh? Academically, sixth form is getting really quite difficult but fortunately I did better than I thought I would in my mocks and I think if I continue putting in the effort now I should get into uni come August! I know I've said this before but I'm still a bit blown away by how weird it is that I'm leaving school in a matter of months forever. I doubt it will really hit until the day I leave and then I'll be like 'Damn. There's a big wide world out there that I'm yet to see'. Don't get me wrong though, by no means am I dreading it. I'm excited for new starts and I'm ready to hit the ground running.


1 comment

  1. Love the colour of your shirt, it looks so chic teamed with the black! Congratulations on starting the new job too and I hope your A levels go well! :)

    Emma xo // Wallflower Wardrobe


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- Thalia

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