Thursday, 1 January 2015

third blog birthday & happy new year!

First and foremost - HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

3 years ago today on the first of January 2012, I wrote my first blog post on here having decided to attempt this blogging thing for a fourth/fifth? time. 314 blog posts later, I'm here celebrating my blog birthday for the third year running. [2013/2014 celebration posts]. It's a bit mad but I'm so happy I stuck to it. I know loads of people say this, but blogging really has opened doors for me, given me so much more confidence (which quite frankly, I was lacking at 14) and has provided me space to do my thangggg and practice my hopefully-future profession (journalism) on a regular basis.

image c/o weheartit [source]

I wrote in last year's NYD blog post that I saw 2014 as being a filler year in my life and despite that, it turned out pretty awesome. As I mentioned in my 2014 highlights post, 2014 saw me meet my idol, Alex Crawford, zip wire through a jungle in Thailand, pass all of my AS exams, become a contributor for Live Mag UK and become an Australian citizen. So not much then. It was a memorable year and I'm determined to make sure 2015 is too.

This year I will turn 18 and start my adult life, despite unfortunately still looking 13/14ish. On the condition that I pass my A-Level exams this summer (something I am working really hard to do), I'm finishing secondary education forever. Finishing school after being there for a 15 years is going to be weird and scary but I am so excited for it. I've loved the past eighteen months of sixth form and I well and truly hope the next six months there continues positively.

image c/o weheartit [source]

I couldn't have a new year's post without a few resolutions/goals, so here they are:
- get ABB at A-Level, and as a result, get into university.
- relaunch my blog successfully, which is something I'm really excited about. This space is changing so do look out for that!
- start learning how to drive, which is something I'm nervous about yet I know I have to do.
- pass my driving theory test, as I can at least work to get the first step of driving done and dusted.
- travel somewhere I've never been before, a goal of mine every year.
- exercise more frequently: I'm not making any promises about specific quotas per week but I am going to try and commit to exercise more than I did last year. Which quite frankly, wasn't a lot.

In terms of how I succeeded with last year's goals:
- I didn't read nearly as much as I should have...I think I read 6/7 books, which is shocking. I still need to work on that.
- I didn't blog more consistently, something I'm disappointed about, however I've been putting more effort into individual posts so I've improved in that way. Quality over quantity, as they say...
- I have become way less critical of myself over the past year, there's no doubt about it. I'm well on the way to fully accepting myself so I'm chuffed about that.
- My photography skills have improved thanks to a camera upgrade, but I still don't know what half of the buttons do. I'm determined to know more rather than just the basics to get me by.

What are your resolutions and goals for 2015?


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- Thalia

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