Sunday, 20 September 2015

The Relaunch

Why hello there!

Whether you're an old reader from my fashion galaxies xo days, a new reader, a family member or a friend, hello there - I'm so chuffed you've somehow stumbled upon my new site.

I've been wanting to properly relaunch this online space for about a year now, but wanted to truly put in some time and effort into it as opposed to continuing making content I was only 60-70% satisfied with. I'm a complete perfectionist, so a half effort was never really an option for me! I'm going into an exciting time of my life at the moment - I finished my A Levels back in June and now I'm just a day away from starting university. Honestly, I think there's no better time for a fresh start.

Tales of Thalia is a space that will evolve with me as I tackle the next few years head-on, featuring a mix of lifestyle, fashion, beauty and travel posts. I've been blogging on a regular basis since I was fourteen (you can read more about my blogging history here) and never plan on giving it up completely. It's reached a stage when I can't really imagine not doing it, and the past six months I've been off studying/sitting exams/working my butt off I've missed the positive and productive feeling blogging gives me.

I won't continue rambling on for too much longer so all I will say is that I'm looking forward to the future and what I have in store for you!



Let me know your thoughts! If you have a blog, leave the link too so I can check it out.

- Thalia

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