Saturday, 8 December 2012


This blog hasn't been receiving its optimum amount of love recently. Without making this sound too formal or terms and conditions-y here's just a quickish post to say how due to the incredibly busy upcoming month filled with mock GCSE exams over the next two weeks and GCSE modular exams in January for all three sciences, two English, French and Geography exams I'm dedicating myself to education, school and the undoubtedly boring revision over the next few weeks. With the sun setting so damn early most days here in the UK I feel that after school blogging is just meh, I know many of us feel that the raised difficulty is just...not fun. I've been staying back until 5pm most school days for revision sessions and coursework, so let's just say we're praying for A grades miracles.
Penhaligon's, Covent Garden
 So...a little update from the past couple of weeks:

  • last week I went to a scavenger hunt in London for a Time Out challenge, met two lovely girls and we walked around London for three hours; taking photos with people dressed up as leprechauns or the Queen of Hearts. On the way we became very very cold, got almost lost in Soho but managed to get a free Bubbleology. No complaints - we passed and got into a party in Notting Hill.
  • School has been taking over my life..enough said.
And what's to come:
  • The obvious excitements over Christmas and New Years, December celebrations are always my favourite.
  • You Me At Six at Wembley for their Final Night of Sin which is actually tonight! So incredibly excited, I love them and the crowd are going to be wild.
  • After saving up for ages years, my parents managed to gather enough money to take a trip around South America, a continent that neither of my well-travelled parents have ever explored. I am so overwhelmed that Christmas and New Years will be spent abroad and my travels will definitely be documented and shared with you after this planned hiatus concludes.
Merry Christmas and New Year in advance, here's to another year of fashion galaxies xo come January 1st 2013.


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- Thalia

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