Thursday, 3 January 2013

belated blog birthday & happy 2013!

I know for a fact that I'm not the only one that found 2012 literally raced past. The past twelve months I can happily say have treated me pretty well, in 2012 I:

- started this blog almost a year ago to the day, on January 1st 2012. I've had so much fun writing this, have met people through it and had new experiences. I cannot wait to continue this in 2013!

- passed an English exam a year early and got an A grade, and took AS level exams two years early in General Studies and got a B grade overall.
- started my main GCSE exams, focusing on the modular sciences in particular.
- travelled to Edinburgh and Cardiff twice each, Majorca and went around South America. After counting a total the other day I came to a shameful tiring 10 airports I'd used. For reference, that's Heathrow, Gatwick, Palma, Buenos Aires x 2 (domestic and international), Iguacu x2 (one in Argentina, one in Brazil), Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro and Madrid. Phew
- more socially, I met many new people this year and started to become somewhat less socially-awkward, and went to youtube meetups to see the people I watch regularly.
- saw 2/3 of my favourite music artists ever. Next on the list? Paramore.
- became even more obsessed with American television shows. Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl & The Vampire Diaries, I'm looking at you.
Instead of focusing on *resolutions* for this year, I'd like to try another angle and simply go for yearly aims. This way I find it more achievable, and let's be serious..I've lasted 15 years with my messy / procrastinating ways. Surely that's no harm done for the upcoming year? This year I hope to:

- get good GCSE results. I'm aiming for all A*-A's but saying this I'm expecting at least one B in a science, possibly two. Hard work these next few months will reveal how this goes though.
- get my first job. I worked at a shop last June for my Year 10 work experience and absolutely adored it! I turn sixteen in March which is the minimum age for working in that sort of place, so come the Easter holidays hopefully I will be able to earn some money to go towards savings.
- save an 'Australia fund'. As a proud half-Australian, I adore it there on the Western Coast and admittedly it is my favourite place on Earth. I hope to live there for a few years when I am older, however for now London is of convenience so visiting is what I hope to do. Usually my family visits every four years, as it is so expensive to fly there, and this year marks that boundary so let's just shopping fund needs to begin.
- continue blogging. I love this lil' slice of internet I can call mine. I adore being able to express myself to people, and the support I get from it is amazing. Just a simple comment from time to time really cheers up my mood, and so a thing I'll try to do is comment on other blogs more.
To prevent this post from being too essay-ish I just want to say, have a very happy 2013 to every single person reading this, everyone that has ever followed / commented  on or read my blog, I really appreciate it and hope this year treats you well. Be adventurous, be wild, smile and have optimism!


*photos are from weheartit, I arrived back home in London yesterday so being my typical unorganised self I didn't prepare any photos. (excuse the cliche ones, hehe)

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- Thalia

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