Saturday 19 October 2013

everything will glow for you

 knitted striped top la redoute / velvet blazer vintage / plum jeans h&m (buy online here) / satchel internacionale / boots new look / bracelets assorted, from travels / nails: american apparel mount royal (written about here

I guess this outfit mainly represented an attempt at actually incorporating colour into my A/W wardrobe (note: not just talking about it). I've come to the conclusion that I've hit a big brick wall when it comes to blogging lately, the lethal combination I'm facing at the moment is lack of motivation/want to put effort into my appearance and outfit/anything to write about, and all together they have resulted in nil. Don't get me wrong, I do want to get out of this, but in my own time. I don't believe in posting just for the sake of posting, in order to publish a certain number of posts a week (although that level of organisation is desirable...). I'd much rather publish when I'm in the mood to do so, so I know I'm putting my heart into it and am producing content that I'm both proud of and would read myself. So there you go - soppy story over! My life is due to increase in livelihood and interest asap (totally needed) as I've got a few things up planned for the upcoming future that I'm excited to photograph and write about.

Here's to a passion for blogging, the only hobby I ever see myself sticking to in the long run!


now playing: lorde - the love club


  1. I love this outfit. I think we all lose our blogging mojo every once in while. Nothing to beat yourself up about!
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

  2. Love your satchel! It's totally normal to have periods of time where you don't feel like posting as much and it's okay! We'll all still be here for whenever you do want to post <3

    Jennie xo |


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- Thalia

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