Monday, 21 October 2013

autumn/winter nail polish picks

maybelline colour show mudslide tote
ciate nail pot wait until dark
m&s polish city grey
sinful colors winterberry
l'oreal confetti
max factor onyx
rimmel pro cheap and cheerful
nails inc savile row
no7 damson dream
collection lasting colour midnight rouge
avon golden vision

Being the nail polish hoarder and big-time appreciator that I am, I couldn't see a season go by without letting you know what will be adorning my nails. I'm a huge fan of the typical A/W colour palette and I'm a huge believer that not all shades have to be of the dark burgundy/berry variation (although there is a significant space for them). Khaki, grey, mauve and taupe are colours that I adore and I think they should not be forgotten! Having tried out all of these polishes, I would say that Midnight Rouge is the best for a night out, being a true deep berry-verging-on-black shade; Mudslide Tote is the unconventional choice with a fab matte finish and Cheap and Cheerful is the chic, classic and utterly wearable choice. 

What are your nail polish picks for the upcoming months?



  1. They all look beautiful, I love autumnal nail polish shades so much <3

    Jennie xo |

  2. Love the colours you chose, I tend to go towards usual burgundy and berries like you mentioned. I guess I'll be trying something new this time :)

  3. Ahhh I have been meaning to pop into Boots and find some new autumny/wintery polishes. Great colour inspiration. I love the no7 and ciate ones!

  4. Great pick of autumn polishes!
    New follower :)
    alicekatex ♥

  5. Oh my, I want EVERY single SHADE you have showed in those photos... just lovely.


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- Thalia

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