Sunday, 4 November 2012

Autumn wishlist

These velvet check treggings are simply gorgeous. Whilst browsing in Topshop's flagship store on Oxford St I discovered these in the petite section (a.k.a where I wish to hibernate upon growing up and earning money, then living there for eternity).  Currently I could only find them in store in petite sizes, so if you're like me and would die for that size 4, try in store or look out for them in the upcoming weeks.They fit like a thick, second skin and are incredibly comfortable, as well as fitting in with my favourite colour scheme of greyscale, berry and navy. The velvet feels pristine and the check print is reminiscent of the popular houndstooth print that I'm seeing everywhere at the moment, yet slightly more subtle. To me they just ooze class and comfort. Basically, I just love them.

My last outfit post saw me style the black version of this peplum top. At £7.99 it is an absolute steal, is so figure hugging and I could just rave about the black version for days. I'd love it if they released more colours (fitting my ideal colour scheme, why of course) however the burgundy is glorious and oh so autumnal. And christmassy. And wonderful.

I'm not really someone who often wears jewellery, and when I do it's in the form of a small pair of stud earrings or my silver casio watch. This bronze brushed heart pendant is beautiful, small and subtle, and the colour is so gorgeous. The rose gold trend was huge this summer and bronze is definitely its autumnal counterpart. It also comes in gold and silver (the silver in particular is gorgeous) and is only £5. £5 you say? From Accessorize? I often find that place to sell wonders, but at a price I can't convince myself to pay. But a mere fiver is something I can see spent easily, and the necklace something to be worn on more than just the odd occasion.

Tan boots are something I find to be a wardrobe essential, and currently my wardrobe is noticing a gap from where these should be. They are a lovely shape and are so smooth! Toe caps aren't typically my cup of tea, however I like these ones as they are less prominent than others, and I think they got the shoe : toe cap ratio just on. And yes, that was a nerd moment.

What is on your autumn wishlist?



  1. I agree with you on the boots. I tagged you to do the Blogger's Tag over at my blog, hope you'll check it out. :)xx

    1. Thank you! the boots are so gorgeous and very autumnal. I looked at it, thank you for tagging me, I hope to upload the post sometime this week! xx

  2. love the trousers/leggings, so cute!

  3. Those boots are so perfect, they look super comfortable too! That necklace is completely adorable too <3

    Jennie xo |


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- Thalia

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