Tuesday, 20 November 2012

quick skincare purchases

cannot believe I'm posting a photo of myself with a nose strip on, but hey ho you've probably all seen my acne before so I might as well...
Just a quick mid-week post for today, I'm currently 2 and a half weeks away from mock GCSE exams and revision is sadly but definitely a priority for me at the moment. On Saturday I popped into town with my friend Elena to do some brief shopping and to see the latest Twilight installment. Having watched them since I was 12 (and waiting 6 months to see the first movie - problems of living abroad) I was excited to see the fifth movie. After thinking it through I've seen 4/5 of them in the cinema shortly after they were released so I guess it's good to continue traditions. And if you're wondering, it really is very good and enjoyable, perfect for a day out with friends.

My friend Hannah recommended me a couple of skincare products to try out, ones she said she relies on for good skin and to help tame any acne or breakouts. An easy trip to Wilko's was my solution, as she said her favourite product, the tea tree spot cream was from there and costs a mere 98p. Firstly, what a bargain! Spot gels can cost ridiculous amounts and for 98p if I went through one of these every 10 days the money would still be worthwhile.

Recently, problems with blackheads have increased around the sides of my nose, so as a solution/preventative I picked up a pack of nose strips, which once again were bargainous at 99p. So far I've tried one and the blackheads were definitely brought to surface and improvements can hopefully be made over the next few days.

Hopefully in the next month or so I can do a detailed post about my skincare, as it's something I've really been dedicating myself to recently and I love reading skincare posts on other blogs! Definitely my guilty pleasure.

Have a lovely rest of the week,



  1. Thanks for sharing! I love skin care posts too xx

  2. I love nose strips!! Need to get my hands on the 99p ones :)


  3. Hi I just found your blog and I am so glad I did!
    Your blog is so amazing and I love this post! These are such amazing photos and i cannot wait to read your next post :)
    I just followed your blog and would appreciate if you could do the same back!
    I love reading about skin care products!

    The Green Raybans


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- Thalia

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