Sunday, 10 June 2012

florals + life update #2

Okay, so..

a couple of weeks ago, when doing my fortnightly shopping-yet-rationing spree, I spotted a beauty. Summery, light, flowy, assymetric hemline and an absolute bargain. A pastel-inspired floral-print vest top, shorter at the back than at the front yet still covers to a suitable extent. What can I say..£4.99 well spent.
Cleverly I managed to not capture the back of the vest top - it's shorter there, with an almost 'waterfall' gradient, not too harsh. It lies around 2/3 down my back. I style it with a grey bandeau from New Look underneath it, and some summery denim shorts. For reference, the photos were taken when London was blessed with beautiful weather, however now the weather here is pretty grim...

Now onto the update...
Last week on Thursday I had an operation on my mouth, prepping for braces that should be applied in around six weeks. I had to get a tooth removed from inside my gum (was lying horizontally, yes, sideways - wtf) and have small gold chains inserted into another two teeth. Pretty grim but oh well, in 3/4 years time my teeth shall be reasonable! Onto happier things - the jubilee was fabulous! It really makes me so so proud to be British. Stressing about school stuff, lost half of my half term break due to recovery, and now have so so much work to do! Have no idea how year 11 will turn out next year. Any tips please?!

Onto more fashion-y things, today I went to Graduate Fashion Week in Earls Court, just for the exhibition. I went with my Mum and it was a lovely day! I have some photos of the goodie bag and stuff, so hopefully this week I'll post about it.




  1. Ouch, your mouth operation sounds painful! :(
    However, I love that floral top!

    Stop by and check out my giveaway! :)

  2. aww i'm glad your back! and as for tips for year 11, really don't stress too much. I was worrying so much before about the exams and all the work and at times it does seem pretty hectic, but it has honestly been the best year i've had at school so far! and after all the hard work you will be rewarded with prom, so just enjoy it!xx

  3. Cute top and your hair looks lovely-I wish mine was as long :)

    Tanesha x

  4. I love floral patterns :)
    you have an awesome style!!


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- Thalia

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