Sunday, 14 October 2012

no more pain, no more drama

dress primark  / scarf gifted / cardigan la redoute / boots primark / watch casio / nails rimmel london pulsating & la colours jewel tone
makeup: bourjois healthy mix serum 52 vanilla / sleek rose gold blush / mua undressed palette / neals yard black eyeliner / soap & glory thick & fast mascara / mua clear lipgloss

To me, this outfit screams anything but autumnal. All purple and lilac, pink and blue glitter, and no autumn. I love autumn and all, but I dread placing my beloved purples to the side every year. Currently I'm on a spending ban and haven't bought anything in around six weeks, saving up for my trip to Cardiff at the end of this month. Now this heartbreaks me as every single shop is releasing new stuff weekly, beautiful oxblood tones are coming out as well as tartan prints and more studded accessories. Worst of all is that Boots have a 3 for 2 deal which I am dying to use! Really tempted to try Barry M's new Gelly polishes, the perriwinkle blue and the dark green especially. Rimmel's nude eyeliner's next on my wishlist, too. The three of them for £7? Sounds too good to be true :( :( :( 

The title's from this song, I am obsessed with the X Factor as I am every single year and I thought James was brilliant last night! My favourites are definitely Rylan and Ella though, Rylan is just the kindest and most entertaining one there, and he looks like such a laugh. Ella though is beautiful and it's astonishing to think that she's a year older than me and that good. Pretty sure that she'll end up winning! Are you also obsessed with Weekend night television?



  1. aww thalia you look so pretty!
    I love your nails so much, you have to let me borrow them! (also we need to swap back i still have a ton of yours)

    1. thankyou rosie, haha will do! prom nails possibly?! omg i know right i have like 5 belonging to you xxx

  2. That nail varnish is truly gorgeous!
    Cute blog :)
    Maddie xx

  3. You're absolutley gorgeous! xo

  4. I love your nails and your eyes look absolutely beautiful :-)

  5. your eyes and nails are stunning! so pretty :D

  6. Cute outfit! LOVE your nails!

  7. So pretty! Your nails are everything <3

    ox from NYC!


  8. I absolutely love the whole outfit! You look so pretty! And I adore your nail colour!! xx

  9. omg Rylan seems so lovely! hahahha. I agree with you about the gelly barry m nail paints; they look lush. Love your outfit, especially the nails<3x

  10. Great outfit, I think the cardigan and scarf make the dress look more autumnal :D I am obsessed with Saturday night tele, love cuddling up on th sofa with a glass of wine watching it all :D


  11. I really want to try the new gelly ones too, they look so shiny! Cute purple glitter :)

    The Style Rawr!


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- Thalia

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