Monday, 8 April 2013

Instagram Catch Up #1

16th birthday celebrations at las iguanas / pringles prep for my birthday party / soap & glory madness / textiles GCSE practical work finished
nail polish collection / croissants for dinner / celebratory mcdonalds / barry m prickly pear 
photo frame stairwell / harlem globetrotters at Wembley / kiko milano shade 1 / westfields with Nadine
topshop suffuse / magazine & nail polish shelves sorted / history revision / sims 3 university!

Believe it or not, Instagram catch up posts are one of my favourites to read...I love the personal insight as well as how it captures the past month from another blogger's perspective. I recently upgraded to a Samsung  galaxy s3 and with that came Instagram, and two weeks later I am obsessed. 

So recently quite a bit has been going on, my sixteenth birthday was lovely and my Pringles-fueled party a great success. School stress mainly revolved around my Textiles deadline on March 27th, when I handed in all of my practical work and a majority of my accompanying folder work. To celebrate finishing, a group of friends and I went to the local McDonald's after school and had a well-deserved chat. Now that I'm on my Easter break I'm loving the amount of nail polish I can try out (and convince myself to buy): all three featured impressing me greatly. Definitely take advantage of the Topshop 2 for £8 deal on nail polishes that they have on at the moment - I'm loving Suffuse but I'm still longing for Blitz and Beam. I also picked up Sims 3 University after wanting it for weeks - and so my eight year love affair with Sims continues.

You can follow my day to day adventures (if you so wish) via Instagram @thalialucyf

What have you all been up to recently? 



  1. I love these kind of posts!! Such a interesting things you have done Thalia!! :)

    Much love,

  2. Looks like a lovely week, it feels great to hand in coursework, I had the same thing before the Easter holidays with my AS art, oh my it was tough haha! Glad to hear your birthday was good:Dxx

  3. Wish I had Instagram! Lovely pictures xoxo


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- Thalia

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