Wednesday, 3 April 2013

you have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve

 berry biker jacket new look / purple speckled jumper new look / grey studded jeggings pull & bear / pom pom converter gloves asos / black buckle boots new look / nails: barry m prickly pear & beauty uk purple (from 'wild child' set)

Today has been my day of productivity. Last night I made the logical step towards improvement, planning out and scheduling revision for my upcoming exams. Sessions of History exam questions, Geography revision sheets and Physics flash-card production was all part of my day....with a dentist appointment somehow wedged in between. I'm liking how this affects my mood - unsurprisingly, it chills me out a bit as the stress regarding these upcoming exams is starting to sit as a burden in my brain. I actually read a really good revision tips blog post from Sophie of Sophie etc, if you are in a similar position to me I would really recommend you read it - it's a good'un.


1 comment

  1. love the mittens, they are too cute! don't overdo it too much on the revision, if I had known what I know now I wouldn't have done half of the revision I did! xx


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- Thalia

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