Sunday, 19 January 2014

lush-ious relaxation

the beautiful rose colour the water turned into
currently reading: Looking for Alaska by John Green
 I'm a shower sorta girl through and through, so when I occasionally dip into bath waters I make sure it has optimum relaxation qualities. A bath bomb by Lush (of course) is essential...I love the scents they give off, as well as well as the gorgeous colours and the cute little bubbles. My most recent weapon of choice was Lush's 'So White', a beautiful white sweet apple-scented bath bomb which unfortunately is limited edition and is only available during the festive season. Argh! In my opinion a book should always accompany you in the bath, and the book I'm currently reading is Looking for Alaska by John Green. I shared on my Instagram a photo of my recent John Green spree from WHSmith and wow, I'm seriously impressed. John Green has got an insanely clever way of writing brilliant and engaging storylines whilst ripping your heart out at the same time, giving you that post-ending sadness because it hits you that the book has finished. The harsh reality of life, eh.




  1. Looking for Alaska is fantastic, John Green is such an amazing writer!

  2. I need to start reading john green books! the amount of people that have suggested his books to me is enough to show that they must be good :)

    ruffles and lace xx

  3. Lush always make their best products seasonal only, how annoying!!

    Jennie xo |

  4. The bath bob looks great, such a shame it's limited! Looking for Alaska is one of my favourite books, I'm just coming to the end of reading Paper towns too!
    Emma xx

  5. I love stuff from Lush. They always seem so luxurious and make great presents and stuff. I might give looking for Alaska a go - I have heard of John Green a lot, but his books seems to have that melancholy feel that kinda gets me down, so i normally give him a miss. Great post :)


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- Thalia

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