Wednesday, 29 January 2014

sibling outing

 doughballs and an Americano pizza from Pizza Express (and the smile that came with them)

"and we'll never be royals" 
 topsy turvy 
So I mentioned in this outfit post not too long ago that I dragged my little brother to Madame Tussauds with me and fortunately, it turned out to be a great day. Neither of us had visited before so it was great to 'chill with the stars', take some fun photos and have an (essential) meal at Pizza Express. In order to save money we split an Americano pizza, giving us remaining change to spend on their famous doughballs. I could write entire posts essays about the doughballs there but I think I would fall into an endless, vicious cycle of wanting them so badly that I would become upset, hungry and unsatisfied. They're just that good.
Oh and here's to one of my first delves into lifestyle blogging, I loved writing the V&A post the other day and I feel like my blog is definitely evolving from having beauty as my secondary focus to lifestyle. I still write beauty post though, don't you worry - you can read my contributions to London Beauty Queen here. That's not to say I'll write off the idea of ever writing beauty posts on here again; woah, that would be too drastic...but I save the big guns for LBQ.
P.S - yes I am  completely aware that I have a strange brother. If any of you (for any reason) are wondering - his name is Keir (pronounced Kee-yah, my family have unusual names), he's 13 and utterly obsessed with Minecraft :)


  1. My little brother is also obsessed with Minecraft! ...I personally don't really get it? Ahaa :')
    Megan x

    1. I always viewed it a like a virtual lego but world-building instead of people. My 14 year old bro is obsessed with it too. I dunno what it is with boys and building blocks.

    2. I don't get it either! it's so strange, he has the ability to sustain actual conversations (ones that make sense, surprisingly) whilst in a full-on Minecraft battle. Always impresses me!

    3. LMAO my brother can do that. LOL! Maaaan, is Minecraft making these kids smarter or dumber...

  2. Hahaha that looks like so much fun!!! I was gonna go to Pizza Express with my lil bro and big sis but we chose Frankie and Benny's instead =D I haven't been to Madame Tussauds in aaaages. Waaaay before One Direction wakworks were added! That's really cool. (Beyonce looks lighter skinned there than she does in magazines! Bloomin' heck) I love the pictures of Amy Winehouse, Audrey Hepburn and Jessica Ennis. And the Royal family. And the topsy turvy one! (P.S. Your brother looks soo much like you. I hope that's a compliment! Some people take that badly! (me)) Wow. Keir is an awesome name. Where's it from?

    1. So glad you like the photos. I get told that Keir and I look quite similar all of the time! His name is Scottish (our Dad is Scottish and our Mum is Australian so I think they were playing to our Scottish heritage when they named him) x

    2. That makes sense. Thanks for getting back! <3

  3. Aww it looks like you had the best time! I've never been to Madame Tussauds but I'd love to one day!

    Jennie xo |

  4. Your brother doesn't look strange to me! But you two look alike -- a lot alike.

    I personally enjoy reading your lifestyle blogs, and if they come with handy beauty and fashion tips, so much the better! xoxo

    1. So pleased you're a fan of the lifestyle posts - I will try and incorporate tips in future ones to spice them up a bit! xx


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- Thalia

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