Sunday, 2 February 2014

the sunday review 02

I got a good response from last week's Sunday review so I'm back with a sequel! So this week has been rather mixed - as my school runs on a two week rotation, I prefer one week to the other quite significantly so week B is always a bit of a bore. I attended a journalism lecture at the University of Westminster on Monday which was informative and worthwhile me attending, but let me know that I probably won't apply there. I didn't really connect with it as a whole, but the talkers were interesting nonetheless. I also had an uncomfortable encounter with quite possibly the strangest man to exist in England who (aged considerably older than me, may I add) decided to ask me many questions such as 'do you live in London?', 'do you study Media?' and 'do you attend college or university?' Why a man 15-20 years older than me needed to know where I live and where I'm educated I am seriously unsure. 

On a really positive note - I am loving work at the moment. I work part time in fashion retail sales and those 4 hours a week never fail to entertain me. Today was a combination of clothes, chatting and cookie-consuming and it made me so so happy. 

So that was my week in a recap - nothing groundbreaking nor overly exciting, but one done and dusted and a week ticked off my countdown to summer. I love reading posts like these from bloggers who are slightly older than me who fill their days with exciting things such as going to restaurants, hanging out with friends and exploring new places whereas I spend weekdays at sixth form and needless to say that isn't too thrilling! 

How was your week? I hope it what somewhat more exciting than mine.

Posts this week: sibling outing // victoria and albert




  1. WHOOP another Sunday Review! Yeah, I do really like this feature, dunno why. OH my brother's school does 2-week rota! I find that so weeeird! I'd get confused, lol. We had a 1-week rota and my classmates STILL mixed up their classes, they'd forget what day it was or some sh. *sigh*
    (My Mum went to Uni of W. O_O I dunno if it's any good for journalism, she did the sciences!)

    That is creepy. Glad you had your guard up!! I got that once before.... as soon I was around the corner, boy I RAN.
    That's really cool you were in fashion. I can imagine that for you!!! It must be EVENTFUL because I work in a bookshop and the straaangest things happen in there.
    You know, whenever something good happens to me I'm often too tired to blog about it... when nothing happens, I can write a dead post, no prob. As it happens, I am quite tired so... LOL.

    1. Oh yeah, I nominated you for a blogging award! (lol why do I keep forgetting?) You can find it on my blog Star: The Alter Ego Writer, or you can click HERE.

      (P.S. You can ignore all the waffle, just scroll down to read the rules and answer the questions! Have fuuun)


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- Thalia

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