Wednesday, 26 February 2014

hold you tight straight through the daylight

 denim shirt rokit (Camden) / chocolate quilted biker jacket with faux fur primark / grey tweed skirt oasap* / bag peacock's / chelsea boots topshop (MONTH boots, link here) / nails: models own snow white

So *this* is the outfit I wore to LFW last Monday at Zeynep Tosun. I wanted to go for something I would wear anyway, as I'm not one to dress overly crazily (colours...could somebody remind me what they are, please?) Oh, and as a student I didn't have a budget for any of that sort of stuff. A LFW budget is one that is dreamy and more realistically for me contains my duvet, laptop and numerous packets of Mini Cheddars. 

This textured and tweed skirt is one of my favourite items in my wardrobe that I rarely ever wear because a) it takes a certain temperature to wear a heavy weight skirt that provides little lower-leg coverage and b) it's pretty damn short. Beautiful, nonetheless, but short. I had to constantly ask my Mum if I was modest because I'm one of those paranoid people that realistically spends 90% of her life inside one of too many pairs of ASOS Ridley jeans. It takes a bit more confidence than what I currently have, so I matched it with super thick tights (over a pair of normal tights, you know...for coverage) and a biker jacket to somewhat detract attention from my lower half. This denim shirt has almost been glued to my body since Christmas (2 months ago already, say what) and I'm still in the Honeymoon phase with it. The combination of pale stonewash and nice tailoring (oversized yet it still fits, a rarity as a petite girl) suits me well and I am so freaking pleased with it. 

Just thought I'd end with a couple of photos of my Mum, who came along with me to the show. I may be a little biased but I think she's the most beautiful woman in the world. And she has a cool accent (much cooler than mine, may I add). I love you so much, M. 

P.S - cheers for the short girl genes ;)


now playing: 5SOS - heartbreak girl



  1. This was nice. I liked your look, especially the skirt and the white nice. Awww it's so nice you have pics of your Mum on here! That so sweet =D her whole outfit matches so nicely, with the darks colours and then contrasting white. I like that. Thanks for postin!

  2. Lovely. I love your skirt. Your mom looks very stylish :)

  3. You and your mom look very lovely :) And I love your jacket too xx

  4. You both look so so lovely! Love your nail polish! <3

    Jennie xo |


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- Thalia

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