Saturday, 28 January 2012

dip dye inspirations

So I REALLY want to dip dye my hair this summer, as a sort of first-stepping-out-the-box type of thing, actually wanting a bit of a change. My favoruite colour is dark purple, especially shades such as berry and eggplant. My natural hair colour is a really dark brown, so I need to choose a good dark purpley colour that'll show up well on my hair without me having to bleach it. Also, It'd need to wash out after six weeks for school. Any ideas?! Here are my inspiration photos, courtesy of weheartit as always.

the single most beautiful photo ever - my dream hair. the colour is simply perfection!

this one really stood out to me, the gradient looks awesome and really suits the girls' blonde hair. would never try it myself but definitely worth a mention:)

another example of an amazing plummy colour

the colour it appears in the light:') dreamy

As for the actual dye I want to use - I'm unsure. Seeing as I'm only going to dye the ends I don't know whether I should spend the money on a full-sozed packaging, but saying that the full-sized have the nicest colour range. Whilst out shopping today I found really nice colours - Stargazer's Rich Wine and Eggplant, which are nice and also very affordable. Need to research the product before I make my mind up on it though. So far, here are a few I've found:

Rich Wine and Eggplant by Stargazer

La riche directions: dark tulip & plum.
out of the two I prefer dark tulip by far but plum would look nice darkened. 

L'oreal Paris Plum - seen this a lot in shops over the past couple of years, even in India. Love how it looks but not sure what colour it would leave my hair as it faded? dilemma.

Any advice on dip dying hair?



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- Thalia

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