Tuesday 24 January 2012

vanity inspirations

Browsing online on the various 30+ websites I have stored in my favourites and I come across Urban Outfitters. I rarely visit their website as their clothes are expensive and it's almost depressing. But when in the mood to look at interior bits & bobs and inspiration, I looked on there (and  ikea) and found these beautiful pieces. Really tempted to purchase the mauve one as it's currently on sale down from £12 to £5 - bargain. All of these pieces match the bed that I'm saving up for.

The bed of utter beauty - IKEA 'Leirvik' in the double size. I already have a matress to fit the size so I'd onlyhave to purchase the bed frame - score! Main reason why I'm saving up for this is that I have no room for storage space under my bed whatsoever, and I'm trying to cut the crap levels in my bedroom. Also, I've loved the design and prettiness of this bed for the past couple of years so now I've finally come to a form of plan to encourage myself to go and earn something I want. Hopefully I'll be able to purchase this by April, (birthday's in March and hopefully any money recieved then will go towards it). So far so good - have hardly spent any money since the January sales.

Any bedroom inspirations you have found recently that have made you want to start afresh? These Urban Outfitters beauties had me at hello.


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- Thalia

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