Sunday, 3 February 2013

recently purchased

biker jacket and stole - Primark / purple jumper - H&M / black suede slouchy boots - Miss Selfridge / navy and purple tartan scarf - Tiger / grey chambray shirt - H&M / you me at six albums - HMV  / black winter coat - asos / Marie Claire March 2013 £2

A few things that I've picked up recently, a couple you may have spotted in recent posts as I was too impatient to photograph them together. I'm pretty positive you'll see all of the fashion-related ones in the future also. I've been adoring the tartan scarf, it's so soft and only cost a fiver. Tiger is really standing out to me at the moment - it's reminiscent of IKEA without all of the furniture, if that makes sense?! All of the bits and bobs, from jewellery boxes to cheese bites, headphones to pretty notebooks. The stuff in there is seriously so affordable, and I always leave with a small but fun purchase.

I hope you're all having a relaxing Sunday - and just a heads up, Marie Claire only costs £2 this month so grab yourself a bargain with that too. 




  1. you've got some lovely things recently, i love the scarf xxx

  2. I am definitely obsessed with that scarf! Lovely blogxx


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- Thalia

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