Thursday, 16 February 2012

baroque/barocco trend

Baroque/barocco- loved by some, tried by a few. Versatile in the way it can encorporate different colour schemes - burgundy and navy can be pulled off with baroque, as can bright aqua. Out of the high street/online stores, missguided really gets the reccomendation from me with this trend - not only do they have dozens of clothes in a plethora of colours, they are so affordable! My favourite baroque piece is number 2, which only costs £12.99 from missguided.

Missguided - 1 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 6
Miss Selfridge - 3
River Island - 7
Topshop - 9
Motel - 8 / 10
Boohoo - 11

Not exclusively on the high street - as all trends originate, it began with a designer, and baroque can be found on net-a-porter with Versace selling items showing their repersentation of the trend. Baring this in mind, the colours used for Versace were much more subtle, pastelle-y and contained - especially for the scarves. The silk shirt was without doubt the stand out-piece and at £745 it doesn't come cheaply either. It is Versace though....
The Versace beauties are available at net-a-porter here

I personally won't be donning this trend, but those missguided leggings might find a way to sneak into my wardrobe.



  1. I just love those topshop leggins! think I need to order them! ;)

    1. Saw them in store today, they're gorgeous! I think you should ;) xx

  2. Replies
    1. me too! don't have the confidence/balls to pull it off though!xxx


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- Thalia

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