Monday, 30 July 2012

say my name, and every colour illuminates

blouse - new look
shorts - h&m, diy
plimsolls - primark
hair doughnut - primark
earrings - claire's
nail polish: barry m berry ice cream

Here's the outfit I wore last week to the Olympic Torch Relay. I'm in love with the blouse, mentioned in a recent haul. It's the perfect size (12 from the teens section), I'm extatic that they stock it in both the adult and teen sections, as after trying on the adult size 8 I was swamped! I wish the weather was nice and summery more often, I adore wearing cutoff denim shorts and wish I could justify purchasing and diy-ing more pairs! Currently I have 3 pairs of denim shorts, all of a different shade and that right now seems reasonable for London.

Who else is devastated for Tom Daley and Pete Waterfield? I admittedly have had a crush on Tom since I was eleven (who hasn't) and saw the pair dive in the Diving World Cup in February. Back then they also messed up a dive badly, finishing seventh. I really hoped that wouldn't be the case for the Olympics as well, but fourth is still a reasonable result.

the title is from this song, although the remix is my favourite! Heard it a few times before but now it's one played a lot on the olympic coverage I'm obsessed!



  1. love that black blouse its really cute
    nice blog,new follower
    check out my new post on my blog

  2. Love this blouse with the studded collar! x

  3. Love this outfit and your blog! I will definitely be following :)x


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- Thalia

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