Monday 23 July 2012

summer - daily want #2

Today has been a lovely day. a 'heatwave' has hit London, with temperatures of a beautiful 28 degrees. This leaves me, and many others in my local area incredibly happy. You see, whenever England gets the odd bit of sun, our smiles all come out. Mum & I went shopping today & lots of thing were purchased, including a few I've been wanting a while. Look forward to a haul post soon! Anyway, today's daily want is the best dupe I've seen on American Apparel's best selling disco pants. Everyone wants them, looks great in them except our wallets. At £70 they are continents away from realistic trouser price so a dupe is what seems like the best alternative. I've seen a couple others, such as the ones here, but websites mainly do shiny leggings, and label them as 'disco pants'. As you all know, the disco pants are famous for them being thick, tight trousers with the almost metallic sheen. These beauties are 3/7ths of the price of the originals, yet almost look identical. This, leads to a very, very happy Thalia.

black disco pants - Glamorous - £29.99

What do you think of disco pants - do you have a pair or a dupe and what are your thoughts on them? I'd love to know.


  1. I love them!!!!If only were of my size :( I'm too tiny pff


Let me know your thoughts! If you have a blog, leave the link too so I can check it out.

- Thalia

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