Wednesday, 22 August 2012

missguided splash nail polish

missguided nail polish in the shade 'splash', a bright summery coral.
the shirt worn as part of my outfit for cheer camp, somewhat explaining the no makeup and ponytail appearance. apologies!
I adore this nail polish! My beautiful best friend Rosie and I did a small nail polish swap last week, and this was one of the four or so we traded. A gorgeous summery colour, it strikes me as being quite similar to Models Own's Hedonist, one of the stand-out colours from their hedkandi collection from earlier this year. Colour wise they're pretty similar, however I believe Hedonist is slightly more red-toned and possibly more neon. In the last photo you get a sneaky peek at my London 2012 shirt, I'm so happy with it! £6 from the Sports Direct sale is a definite yes in my books! Anyway, the main purpose of showing you the polish was that it's for going on holiday in just over a day's time! Hopefully by just taking this one bottle with me I'll actually enjoy the surroundings rather than my usual change-every-two-day London routine. This will mosty probably be the last post until I get back next week, so enjoy the week of summer and pray for some lovely weather.
p.s - this is  my post #100! yay yay yay hit a milestone finally, and to anyone reading this - thankyou! I'm so glad you read and join me on the blog that I adore writing ever so much.



  1. That is SUCH a pretty colour! (and yay for 100!)

    xo, Lela
    fashion blog -

    1. I know right! I actually had to change it now, spilled blue nail polish everywhere and stained it when i cleaned it up, so changed it anyway. I'm very indecisive when it ocmes to nail polish colours! xxx

  2. Such a pretty colour! So bright and perfect for summer :)

    I have a Giveaway on my blog, if you are interested in entering! :) xx

  3. I actually didn't know missguided do nail polish. This colour looks great on you :)
    Great blog by the way, I would love to follow each other? Check out my blog and let me know :)



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- Thalia

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