Saturday, 26 January 2013

20 random facts about me

I've seen this post go around Youtube and the blogging world recently, so I thought I'd chip in. I'm nosy in how I love finding out random intricacies about other bloggers, and finding out things that are really striking.

Singapore, June 2009

1. I have an outie belly button, which I absolutely hate detest. It's pretty awful.

2. As of August 2005, I know the alphabet backwards.

3. On December 27th 2012, when travelling with my family I ate four meals, all in different countries. For reference: that was Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Turning 13, March 2010, Delhi
4. I celebrated becoming a teenager as an out-of-place thirteen year old, living in India and dreaming of returning home to London.

5. I have been indoor skydiving three times: twice in Milton Keynes, once in Bedford. Reason for this being is that my dad is a world record skydiver, and he wanted me to try it out and give him the chance to 'bust some moves'. It's on my bucket list to do a skydive over the Palm in Dubai however time/money/life restricts this dream as of yet.

6. I have a scar on my right leg from falling onto, yes onto, a train back in December of last year. As I stepped on, I slipped on the surface and fell to the floor, my leg smacking the edge of the train (where the doors close). Scar stories are often found on these tags, and as for unattractive-ness this scar does not fail.

7. I love travelling, and at the age of nine I flew by myself to visit family in Edinburgh.

8. It is my dream to be fluent in French. I've been learning it for the past eight years and can speak/write it to GCSE standards and I'm taking it next year for AS level too.

9. I really dislike unpainted nails, and a highlight of my Friday nights (often spent in solitude watching television) is painting my nails and knowing I won't have to remove the polish for two days. Bliss.

10. I am half Australian, and in my life I've visited Australia seven times. To any Aussies out there, I hope your Stralya day was fab!

11. I have a mental list of places I want to visit at some point in the future; currently this includes Rome, Macchu Pichu, California and Dubai.

12. The four members of my immediate family (myself, my brother and parents) all turned twelve in different continents. My dad in Europe, Mum in Australasia, my brother in South America and myself in Asia.

13. I'm an academic student, and it's my dream to achieve 11 A*-B's in my GCSE's this summer, get straight A's at A-level and then attend a Russell Group university.

14. I always feel awful admitting this but I'm probably the most anti-animal person ever. I'm allergic to cats, dogs usually freak me out and I rarely find animals cute! Zoos bore me and more than anything animals really freak me out! This meerkat is an exception though..
Perth Zoo, July 2009
15. David Hasselhoff held me when I was a baby.

16. From living in India for two years I picked up very basic Hindi. Every time I mention this to people they say, "Do you speak Indian?!" and I have a little giggle. Namaste...mera namn Thalia hai. Mei London mei rehti hoon...kya aap samajhte hai?! (Hello, my name is Thalia. I live in you understand?)

17. When I was seven years old I saved my brother's life, grabbing his hand as he almost fell off the top of the rock of Gibraltar. He, aged three, was completely oblivious of this, yet I always make sure I remind him that he owes me forever.

18. I adore American Television; and my social life pretty much revolves around Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, The Big Bang Theory, 2 Broke Girls, Suburgatory and The Carrie Diaries, which is my latest obsession.

19. Two of my closest friends live a combined total of 4,350 miles away from me, and one of them is moving to Shanghai in the summer. Definitely a believer that time distance sucks. I really dislike it when Britain is on GMT timing, and I wish we stayed on British Summer Time all year - waking up and coming home in the dark isn't fab.
Myself and my beautiful Mum in Majorca, August 2012. 
20. As for people I consider inspirations: my Mum, who is one of my closest friends. Hayley Williams, the lead singer of my favouritest band ever Paramore, and Jane Keltner de Valle in terms of fashion and journalism. She pretty much has my dream job.

Any facts you found particularly interesting? Link me to your random fact posts, I adore reading them.



  1. Thank you for this post, it's nice to find out more about the bloggers behind the blogs I read! It's my dream to be fluent in French too, I'm currently studying it at A2 :) I really want to do one of these posts now!

    Louisa's Notebook

  2. These are really interesting - sounds like you've had a well travelled childhood!

    Beth - Sans Souci


Let me know your thoughts! If you have a blog, leave the link too so I can check it out.

- Thalia

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