Wednesday, 30 January 2013

colour injection

lilac top (worn underneath) primark / purple lightweight jumper h&m / jeans h&m kids / studded loafers primark / watch casio via asos / necklace accessorize

Just a quick post for today! Here's what I wore on Sunday. The jumper is a considerably brighter hue than I usually opt for, but for £7 in the H&M sale I couldn't ignore it. It's a hope of mine to inject more colour into my wardrobe so hopefully this may start off something. 

Talking of bargains, when in Primark yesterday stocking up on the essentials, I found a chocolatey brown faux leather biker jacket, with a fur stole, for £10. In my size. It was like.. heaven. People talk about their love-at-first-sight thing with clothes and I understand it now, I really do. No shame ever when it comes to Primark, I feel so proud when I've found a good bargain.

I'm at a really happy place at the moment, all of my January exams have finished and I've booked train tickets for a few days half term to visit one of my closest friends who lives up North. I haven't seen her since my last day at school in India which was a whopping 977 days ago according to an app on my phone. Geeez, a long catch up is needed and surely some photos will accompany my visit. I have a few exciting ongoing projects that I am so impatient as to see how they turn out, I just have a feeling February's going to be good. Here's to watching romantic movies alone, yay.


p.s - next month there is Pancake day a.k.a my third favouritest day of the year, after Christmas and my birthday. I lovelovelove an excuse to drown my sorrows in maple syrup.


  1. I love your jumper, it's a really nice colour! I will also be watching romantic films alone in February haha.

    Louisa's Notebook

  2. Looking stunning as ever Thalia, I especially love those loafers they are way too cute!

    covered in cow poop - a veterinary student's blog

  3. That colour looks gorgeous on you xx


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- Thalia

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