Monday, 3 September 2012

tie-dyed skinny jeans

On the day I came back home from Majorca, I was a babe of a daughter and went along to Leicester Square with my Mum, offering to help her carry one of the many bags of fancy dress costumes for a party she and my Dad attended this past weekend in Wales. Social butterflies in a way I guess..but when this happens I'm left to look after my eleven year old brother over the weekend. Not that I'm complaining; we get on brilliantly and according to Mum I'll receive 'financial payment'..once again, not that I'm complaining.

Anyway, when going to the fancy dress shop we passed H&M, and went inside with the ambition of finding the perfect military jacket: khaki, army style without the camo print (bit overwhelming for my personal taste), practical, reasonably priced and reasonably fitted. Being small means anything edging towards oversized on me looks like a toddler getting lost in a king-sized duvet. As for the jacket we were unsuccessful. But, we saw these beauties on the sale rack. My size, £10 down from £25. In a colour I would realistically wear. Tried it on in the changing rooms and they fit surprisingly well! They're the 'short length super skinny fit', the sort I require at 5'1. The length is almost perfect, and would also look cool rolled up. Sometimes they can look ankle swinger-y, so I do my best to avoid that. As anyone would.

 vest new look / jeans h&m / necklace diva for miss selfridge / shoes shoe zone
The jeans are somewhat more outrageous than I'd typically go for, but I'm still so happy with them! £10 is pretty bargainous and I'm sure some practice can be done. As for the shoes I really like them also! They're from Shoe Zone which is typically amazing or crap for me when I go, it's definitely a big win or lose situation if that makes any sense. I'm going to wear them for school this term and see how long they last. As for the necklace I'm really disappointed, I tried to take it off my looping it over my head (bad wording but you know what I mean), and the suede cord bit literally snapped completely in half! Made some adjustments and knots so hopefully I can attach it to my keys as a small keyring. Always got my DIY mind on eh?



  1. I love the jeans and the cross necklace !

  2. You look adorable! Your outfit is very cute! I follow you now! Would you like to follow me back?


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- Thalia

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