Monday, 2 April 2012

get out of my head

L-R: Disco Ball, Caramel Cupcake, Blue Eyed Girl, Pulsating

17 Wild Metallic Eyes in Wild Nude

Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer in Light 02.
H&M Batwing Top - True or False
Diva Ear Chain

Todays purchases! Went into town in hope of finding Rouge Caresse's, Lip Butters and 24 hour colour tattoo's and came out with this. None of them were sold in large 'groups', all of the products (including testers) were gone and Boots/Superdrug had no backups. Usually I would say that they've let me down but I discovered their 3 for 2 deals, concluding with me leaving each shop with 3 new beauty goodies. I am a happy girl.

The batwing top from H&M is so cute! I love how light, flowy and floral it is, very summery! The ear chain isn't something I'd wear loads but I found it in Miss Selfridge's jewellry concession, Diva, for £1. A POUND. A mere pound. Absolute bargain! It's so edgy, very rocker chic. Looks awesome with my hair down.

The title is a lyric of this song, which I am obsessed with. Came across it whilst watching Bertie/Dom/Harrison/Roy videos (I'm also obsessed with them, who isn't?!) I find them all hilarious, and every time I listen to the song I think of Harrison and Roy's Apple Store dance. They're just awesome really.

Have you made any beauty/fashion purchases recently?



  1. omg I love that earring, never knew diva sold those! xx

    1. Neither did I until I saw it! They have some on the website here- xx

  2. I love Rimmel nail varnishes! Have you tried I <3 Fruities? They're amazing!

    1. nope I haven't but I've seen them in store! I shall check them out next time I go!xxx


Let me know your thoughts! If you have a blog, leave the link too so I can check it out.

- Thalia

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