Friday, 16 August 2013

life lately

camera obscura, edinburgh / saying goodbye to gma at heathrow airport / water bottle from st fagans, cardiff / green tea kitkats from japan / incorrect spelling of the city I once lived in  / new piercing: third lobe

Life lately has been a bit of a whiz. In the past month I have been to a bit of everywhere, and my mind is in a fuzzle despite minimal time zones being involved. The whole London-Rome-London-Edinburgh-London-Cardiff-London-Cambridge-Norfolk-London thing has got to me. As of now I'm back in Cardiff yet again to go glamping, which considering it is of the camping variation I'm actually really excited. So here's a little bit of an update. 

The lovely Gillian of elevator musik recommended visiting Camera Obscura in her post about Edinburgh. I've been reading her blog for quite a while now and I really trust her opinions, and she's a Scot so knows a lot about the area. I'm so happy I took her advice, it was a lovely day out filled with coloured lights, optical illusions and a beautiful panoramic view of the city.

 My lovely Gma flew back to her native Perth last week, and it was horrible to see her go after spending six weeks with her. She's a clever cookie though, and used some of her savings to buy business class flights. Consequently, she was treated like an absolute Queen by the air staff. As she should. 

Visiting Cardiff for a short city break gave me the time to visit St Fagans, the National History Museum. Now if I'm going to be completely truthful, the idea of visiting a history museum didn't make me ecstatic, nor was I jumping for joy but all in all the day went relatively well. A couple of negatives included having a wasp fly and sink into my (full drink) and getting absolutely soaked in the rain. Summer eh? Where did that end up? Luckily whilst making a somewhat immature visit to the gift shop I found the most wonderful water bottle ever. Purple, sparkly and is what I have been longing for the past ten years. Now I need to find an excuse to use it. Perhaps I could go running? Perhaps not.

Now this isn't really related to my life as such, but recently I discovered a pack of green tea kit kats in my kitchen, sent to my Dad by a colleague when he was sent abroad for work. What even?! This craziness was too much for me to handle *takes obligatory wtf-is-going-on-shot and posts on twitter.*

Another rambly story, my best friend Jack and I popped into town recently to hand in CVs and beg ask if any vacancies were available at numerous retail shops. Our hopes weren't achieved, nor were they dashed...but we learnt that time and patience is the key to employment in this current day and economy. Whilst in town, I found that the lovely nail polish brand had spelled New Delhi incorrectly, something that entertained me a little. I know I shouldn't take joy in the mistakes of others but I did used to live there, this should be an exception. 

Last but not least, I finally got around to getting my third lobe piercing on my left ear. Now that I've left school I don't need to worry about piercing restrictions so I thought, why not? Be a tiny bit rebellious for once. And it was only a tenner. It seemed silly not to. 

So how have you all been lately? Would love to hear a little bit about what has been going on recently with other people. Let me know in the comments if something particularly interesting has happened, I'd love to know (and I'm secretly very a little bit nosy..)



  1. Sounds like you've had an awesome summer! Thanks for the link about Edinburgh btw! I'm going to their open day (for a mini holiday too) so its very useful, can't wait! Let me know if you have any tips or places to visit too :) Good luck with the job hunt!

    I don't travel as much as you but I'm going to Reading festival & Edinburgh with some work experience, volunteering & my job fitting around that before school, gotta love those hectic weeks before you go back to school :PXx

    1. It's definitely been a good one. That's fine, I found it super helpful and definitely worth sharing! Ooh lala it is a fab university, my Dad went there and it is a very well respected place. I would love to score work experience, tell me about it...hectic is the way forward.

    2. Ooh wow your dad must be so clever! I'd love to go there to study architecture, the place & university are incredible! Work experience at an architecture practice starts tomorrow, so excited!!! I hope you find some too, 6th form is pretty hectic but its so worth getting somexx

  2. Oooh, Elevator Musik is such a cute blog, thanks for sharing! The Edinburgh city guides will particularly useful for when I move to Scotland. It's my favourite city, so I plan on spending many weekends there.

    Life for me is busy right now. I just packed up all my books and am rewarding myself by watching Babe. On video VHS. Yup, I've still got it. Next week I'm off to Naples (PIZZA) and then... then I'm off.

    1. You're welcome! She was definitely worth sharing. Ahh I must see you before you leave! xx

  3. Whoa, you used to live in New Delhi! I'm going there in December if you have any tips, haha! Lovely post! I'm jealous of your travels! ;)


  4. I've been planning on getting my third lobe piercing as well for a while! But I need to find some cute earrings first that I will be able to use! xx

    1. get it pierced soon and you'll have six weeks to find some cute pairs to use once it has fully healed xx


Let me know your thoughts! If you have a blog, leave the link too so I can check it out.

- Thalia

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