Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Konjac bloggers event & a sneaky Boots haul

from left to right: Ashleigh, Sarah J, Sarah I, myself & Mia
Last Saturday I ventured through the torrential rain and into Central London for an exciting bloggers event hosted by Konjac Sponge Co, a relatively new and upcoming skincare brand specialising in natural sponges. They showed us all of the options available and which skin types they correspond with, as well as a range of options for different ages and purposes. Everybody knows that we don't  feel our best post-gymming, so Konjac set out to combat this. I won't go into too much detail about the actual sponges as I'm saving that for a later day (but do get excited for it, it's some serious kick-ass stuff..)

Welcoming us into the event was a huge bath filled with fake sponges, saving the real deal for later. The place was surrounded by hanging bubbles with the sponges inside, entertaining me pretty much as soon as I walked in. Crazy, I know, but I felt like a child at Christmas. Transparent baubles with sponges inside excite me like you would not even imagine. Drinks were kindly offered and we all introduced ourselves, something I loved doing as meeting people who also blog and are a similar age to me is quite unusual, so a positive experience all in all. Mia, Konjac's social media manager and teen blogger extraordinaire answered every question asked, as well as giving me an insight to what it is like being the daughter of Konjac's brand and director, Michelle Riley. I really appreciated what Michelle told us about the brand, she was really down to earth, informative and straight to the point as Ashleigh said in her vlog. After getting to know each other, we all sat down for a long ramble...with topics ranging from favourite drugstore mascaras to our opinions on trends. I love talking to like-minded people who share the same beauty-obsessed fantasies.
boots: baby lips lip balm - mint fresh // color show vintage leather nail polish - mudslide tote // 24 hour colour tattoo cream eyeshadow - on and on bronze.

Afterwards, Sarah and I set off to Selfridges to browse and then make the inevitable realisation that "woah, we can't afford any of this...let's go to Boots instead". Unsurprisingly, I find many everyday circumstances lead me to that very same conclusion. Beauty blogger problems, eh? I left Boots £8 poorer but incredibly satisfied on the beauty scale of things thanks to their current 3 for 2 deal with all of Maybelline cosmetics. I've wanted their famous colour tattoo in 'on and on bronze' since it came out and I finally had an excuse to purchase it. Falling into the turbulent spin that is the buzz around Baby Lips lip balms that have recently been released in the UK, 'mint fresh' also ended up in my basket; as did their vintage leather nail polish in 'mudslide tote'. The wrath of newly-released products is never beneficial to my wallet. Sarah and I then nipped off to the Subway next to Bond St station and almost got soaked by the rain which was legitimately pouring by this stage, however fortunately we were undercover by the time the rain reached its climax. Before you start worrying, our Subways did not get wet/ruined/disheartened. Phew. Those who know me well in real life will know my love for meatball marinara Subways, and probably know the incredibly embarrassing tale regarding my adoration for them. If not, consider yourself lucky. I'll save that story for another day. Ooh, how secretive.


p.s - If you do have a spare moment, go check out the links I've attached under the photos of the other bloggers. You won't be disappointed, I promise.



  1. really want to try the baby lips lip balm,looks great! lovely post X


  2. i've been meaning to try the maybelline leather nail varnish for a while now, let me know how you get on!!

    ellie x. www.sweetwordsfromwonderland.com


Let me know your thoughts! If you have a blog, leave the link too so I can check it out.

- Thalia

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